31. The percentage of times a page number bound in associate register is called Ans. Bit ratio 32. Expand MODEM Ans. Modulator and Demodulator 33. RDBMS file system can be defined as Ans. Interrelated 34. Super Key is Ans. Primary key and Attribute 35. Windows 95 supports (a) Multiuser (b) n tasks (c) Both (d) None Ans. (a) 36. In the command scanf, h is used for Ans. Short int 37. A process is defined as Ans. Program in execution 38. A thread is Ans. Detachable unit of executable code) 39. A thread is Ans. Detachable unit of executable code) 40. How is memory management done in Win95 Ans. Through paging and segmentation 41. What is meant by polymorphism Ans. Redfinition of a base class method in a derived class 42. What is the essential feature of inheritance Ans. All properties of existing class are derived 43. What does the protocol FTP do Ans. Transfer a file b/w stations with user authentification 44. In the transport layer ,TCP is what type of protocol Ans. Connection oriented 45. Why is a gateway used Ans. To connect incompatible networks 46. How is linked list implemented Ans. By referential structures 47. What method is used in Win95 in multitasking Ans. Non preemptive check 48. What is a semaphore Ans. A method synchronization of multiple processes 49. What is the precedence order from high to low ,of the symbols ( ) ++ / Ans.( ) , ++, / 50. Preorder of A*(B+C)/D-G Ans.*+ABC/-DG 51. What is the efficiency of merge sort Ans. O(n log n) 52. In which layer are routers used Ans.In network layer 53. Which of the following sorting algorithem has average sorting behavior --Bubble sort, merge sort, heap sort, exchange sort Ans. Heap sort 54. In binary search tree which traversal is used for getting ascending order values--Inorder ,post order,preorder Ans.Inorder 55. What are device drivers used for Ans.To provide software for enabling the hardware 56. What are device drivers used for Ans.To provide software for enabling the hardware 57. What is make command in unix Ans. Used forcreation of more than one file 58. In unix .profile contains Ans. Start up program 59. In unix 'ls 'stores contents in Ans.inode block 60. Which of the following involves context switch, (a) system call (b) priviliged instruction (c) floating poitnt exception (d) all the above (e) none of the above Ans: (a)
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