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 Dont Quit Your Day Job! Convincing Your Boss To Let You Telecommute (Part 2 of 2
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Author Topic: Dont Quit Your Day Job! Convincing Your Boss To Let You Telecommute (Part 2 of 2  (Read 680 times)
Stephen Taylor
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Dont Quit Your Day Job! Convincing Your Boss To Let You Telecommute (Part 2 of 2)

Ok, so you've determined that you have the right skills and qualities todo your job effectively from home. You're sure that your job is wellsuited to telecommuting. Now you just need your boss to agree that thisis a great idea, but how?

The best approach is to make a proposal. A proposal is a very effectiveway to sell the idea to your employer because it can be used tohighlight the benefits, and presents your request in an organized,professional manner. A well-written proposal can also show that you canwork well on your own (a very important point, since you will be largelyunsupervised).

The first thing you need to think about is how it will benefit youremployer. It's natural for any human being to want to know what's in itfor them. Make a list of the benefits of allowing telecommuting suchas:

    * Can cut costs for office space, equipment, parking, etc.
    * Can be a valuable employee recruitment tool
    * Increases productivity by 10--30%, according to the State of CaliforniaTelecommuting Pilot Program
    * Additional savings of productive time are realized as a reduction in theuse of company paid time to meet personal or family needs. Notsurprisingly, telecommuters report that they are less likely to take asick day in order to be home for deliveries or repairs, or to takechildren to important appointments.
    * May allow work to be done when inclement weather might otherwiseinterfere
    * Enhances employee morale

Your employer will also be able to enjoy the benefits that telecommutingcan have on the community:

    * Less traffic
    * Less pollution
    * Increased highway safety

Next, think about what concerns your employer might have and addressthem in your proposal.

    * Would your employer have to invest in additional equipment for a homeoffice, or do you have the appropriate tools already?
    * How will your supervisor monitor your productivity?
    * When will you telecommute? How frequently will you check in?
    * Would there be a trial period?
    * If you interact directly with clients, how will they feel about this?
    * Would you object to your supervisor visiting your home officeperiodically?

Once you've done compiled this information, you're ready to startputting together your proposal.

Your proposal should have the following structure:

1. Cover Sheet- This will have the date, your name and title, yourcompany name and your supervisor's name and title. You can name yourproposal something like "Telecommute Proposal" or "Flexible WorkProposal".

2. Introduction- Here you will outline what your proposal is about. Tell what your goal is and how it would benefit the company. Keep itshort and professional.

3. Benefits- This is where your list of benefits goes.

4. Scheduling- You'll want to start off telecommuting 1-2 days a week.

5. Implementation- Explain what is needed, i.e. equipment, phone line,etc. Here you will address the concerns you feel your employer may haveby offering solutions in the proposal. Come up with ideas on how yourboss can monitor your performance, how you will communicate with clients and co-worker, and what tasks you will be doingfrom home.

6. Trial Period- Give your proposed duration for a trial period. 60-90 days is a good length of time to determine effectiveness.

7. Review Criteria- Agree that at the end of the trial period you andyour supervisor will review your performance and determine whether ornot you can continue telecommuting.

8. References- You can include articles, urls and any other materialsthat you used to do your research. This way, your supervisor can lookat them also and get more information on the benefits of telecommuting.

Once you have written your proposal, be sure to spell check for errors. You may want to have someone else read it and give you feedback.

Depending on your company structure, you may want to make severalcopies; one for you, your supervisor, their supervisor, the HumanResources Manager and anyone else you feel would be appropriate.

Remember, the more thorough and professional your proposal is, thefurther it will go in convincing your boss that you have the skills, themotivation, and the work ethic to telecommute.

For more information on telecommute proposals:

====>Telecommuting Proposals from

====>Requesting Telecommuting

====>Telecommuting: the pitch


Sharon Davis is the Mom to two girls, the owner of 2Work-At-Home.Com, Work At Home and the Editor of the site's monthly ezine, America's Home. In her spare time she reminisces about what it was like to have spare time.

To subscribe to her free ezine, Click Here.

This article may be reproduced providing it is published in it's entirety, including the author's bio. For a text version via autoresponder, send a blank email to [email protected]


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