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 Seven Tips to Keep Your Subscribers Subscribed to Your Opt-In List
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Author Topic: Seven Tips to Keep Your Subscribers Subscribed to Your Opt-In List  (Read 1097 times)
Stephen Taylor
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The goal of every Internet business is to provide great service to their customers. A satisfied customer is a happy customer. A happy customer is a returning customer. A happy customer is a promoter of your products or services. This could potentially generate more revenue for your business.

As more people visit your website, you should not let the opportunity of getting them to subscribe to your mailing list slip by. This list is also called an opt-in list whereby subscribers agreed to receive periodic mailings like newsletters to update them of your business or promotional offers of your products or services. This is important to the longevity of your Internet business.

Relying solely on drop-in sales is not a good option. You need to build a loyal customer base from your opt-in list.

With an opt-in list of subscribers, you can be sure that your mailings are received, opened and read. However, you should be fully aware that a subscriber could choose to opt out at anytime when they feel that they are not getting what they wanted or expected. The link to unsubscribe from your opt-in list is only a click away. You have to be on the alert to keep your subscribers happy and satisfied.

Here are some helpful tips that can keep your subscribers subscribed to your opt-in list...

1. Use creativity in your promotional materials. Build around your product or service. For example, if you are selling home furnishings, insert some pictures of what is new in the house furnishing industry in your promotional mailings.

2. Keep one step ahead of your subscribers. Research what current new things people are looking for. This way, you stay one step ahead of your subscribers. They will look forward to receive your mailings as you always have fresh, new things and ideas to share with them.

3. Write informational and easily digestible articles. Ok, you don't like writing. Don't fret. There are professional writers that will do the job for you for a minimal fee. The initial investment may be worthwhile. For it could lead to more sign-ups and potential sales.

4. Write an ebook that is related to your niche and give it away free to your subscribers. Use your experience and expertise to help other people. Reports, how to do it manuals and guides are hot. Encourage your subscribers to give away your ebook as long as they don't change the original content and keep all links intact. This will attract more people to your website and possibly more sign-ups.

Again, if you don't like to write, you can always hire someone to do the job of writing for you. Or you could buy ebooks with rebranding and reselling rights. With this arrangement, it gives you the rights to brand and sell the ebooks as your own without having to pay the author for every ebook sold. This initial investment of hiring someone to write your ebook or buying rebranding and reselling rights will go a long way to yield dividends.

5. Offer special discounts for your product. Add e-coupons in your newsletters that entitle your subscribers to special discounts for your products. Insert a control number on every e-coupon so that it can only be used once. When your subscribers get special discounts that can be found in your newsletters, they will be eager to receive your mailing in anticipation of what you will be promoting next.

6. Hold special contest and lucky dips. Reward winners with bonus gifts. Don't stinge. Give your subscribers incentive to stay on your mailing list.

7. Offer freebies once in a while. Free is the buzzword. Offer freebies to your subscribers. However, don't overdo it. When people get used to receiving freebies too often, it would become difficult to get them to fork out money for your products or services.

Many email marketers make the fatal mistake of flooding their mailing list with nothing of value but thinly disguised sales pitch. If your subscribers can get benefits from your newsletters, they will look forward to your mailings.

You got to feed the goose that lays the golden eggs. Maintain your opt-in list, and you'll have a list of happy and eager subscribers. This translates to potential sales.

So, keep your subscribers happy and eager.

Gerrick W
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