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 How To Cheaply and Powerfully Reposition Yourself On the Web
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Author Topic: How To Cheaply and Powerfully Reposition Yourself On the Web  (Read 574 times)
Stephen Taylor
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How To Cheaply and Powerfully Reposition Yourself On the Web
« Posted: August 12, 2007, 12:15:45 PM »

How To Cheaply and Powerfully Reposition Yourself On the Web

It goes without saying that all of us would like better responseand conversion numbers from our websites. This is an ongoingdilemma which, unfortunately for many of us, remains a dilemma.

It's just too easy to sit on the same old tired, sour marketingwith crossed fingers, hoping for better numbers in the future.The whole idea of rolling out a new campaign or overhauling yourweb copy can be pretty daunting.

But if your numbers aren't what you'd like (and how many of usare really satisfied with our numbers?), then you need to get offthe hope wagon and and put a new plan into action.

In the lines that follow, I'd like to present a concrete, low-cost,three-step plan for renewing your marketing through repositioning.

Step #1. Get Out of the Commodity Business and Into the InformationBusiness

One of the things that happens to many businesses, both online andoffline, is "commoditization." When your business becomescommoditized, you become just another face in a sea of similarproducts or services.

If this is happening to you, you need to change businesses.

Even if you don't feel "commoditized", switching gears and puttingyour Web business into information mode can only bring good things.

The first step is to make the "psychological leap" from beinga product or service provider to being an information provider.

Which means you're going to become an educator.

You're going to start teaching people about your niche in a MUCHBIGGER WAY than you have been in the past...

And you're going to compete on whole new turf from here on out.Instead of competing with every other Joe or Jane selling theirdieting ebook or doing horoscope readings, you're going to becompeting with those providing solid information about weight lossor astrological services.

A much more pleasing scenario.

Sure, you can still have your root product or service. But that willno longer be the central focus of your business.

Being in the information business offers you a flexibility thatsimply being in the product or service business doesn't. You'll widenyour horizons and branch out into totally new sub-areas of your presentniche.

Step #2. Build A New Knowledge Base

In order to educate others, you need to know what you're talking about.

Even if you already have a huge amount of knowledge, you'll find thatonce you start to write and teach there will be plenty more to learn.

In the teaching business there's an old saying:

"The easiest way to learn about something is to teach it."

The very act of passing on information to others will stimulate yourresearch. You'll gain knowledge and develop fresh approaches to newareas, and even to old areas you may have thought you knew everythingabout already.

Consider this. If you are reading about something only because youthink you "might" need the information one day, how motivated will yoube to really get down and study?

Better to just enjoy a novel.

But if you're reading something because it's contributing to an articleor report or book or other info vehicle you're in the process of writing-- one that enhances your image as an expert -- then you'll be much moremotivated to read and study.

As you read and study, use the power of your imagination to see yourselfin a new light. As a soon-to-be respected writer and teacher. Asa distinguished information publisher. As an expert consultant and coach.

Step #3. Publicize Your New Expert Status

There are four dirt-cheap vehicles (outside your basic website) you canuse for establishing your position online as an expert information provider.

The Blog

If you don't yet have a blog, you're missing out on a great low-costpublishing vehicle that will get your info out there on the Web RIGHT NOW.

This blog should be an informational blog, where you teach and pass on infoabout your niche. Not a "chatty" blog where you pour out your feelings andtalk about your personal life all the time.

If you want to have one of those chatty kinds of blogs, then by all meanshave one. But make it separate from your marketing blog.

Of course you CAN still talk about your personal life in your marketing blog,and you should sometimes! But don't make your life and troubles the focus.

And post a lot. At least three times a week.

You need to build content, after all. The search engines will find you fairlyquickly if you have a lot of good content.

The Expert Article

Write an article a week, if possible. More if you have time! Submit it to thearticle directories and article lists right away.

Every time you put an article "out there", you'll see returns in the way offresh traffic. Plus you'll build credibility. More and more people will becomefamiliar with your name. And other publishers will start to post your articleson their websites, in their ezines, and on their blogs.

Write articles to inform, not to sell. Web-savvy readers don't give an addisguised as an article much of a look anymore.

Keep your articles between 800 and 1400 words. Anything shorter is too littleand anything longer will lose readers.

The White Paper or Specialized Report

Most of us know by now that we need to capture the contact info of people whodon't buy from us on the first shot. The one-shot Big Cahuna sales letter canget you some sales, sure, but the real money is in the follow-up.

What do we offer people in exchange for their contact info? Well, we needa great freebie.

A great freebie is one that carries value AND positions you as an expert.

Somebody else's ebook that you have reseller rights to doesn't really fit thebill.

The most killer freebie I know of is what some marketers call an "info widget."This is an authentic lead-generation document, not some thinly disguised salesletter (although sales letters disguised as "free reports" can work too,especially offline).

The White Paper or Specialized Report is great for this, because it shows thatyou're not just a run-of-the-mill Web marketer, but a real, bonafide authorityin your field. It carries mega-power for positioning.

The name "White Paper" is usually used by companies with a technical orientation.So if you're not in a technically-oriented market, you might be better served bythe name "Specialized Report." Or you may be able to come up with another namethat works well.

The Customer Newsletter

You don't necessarily need to publish an ezine "proper", but you do needto have a customer newsletter to keep in touch with past and current customers.

The real key to a successful customer newsletter is having fun with it. Go outof your way to come up with different, even goofy things to keep your customersinformed of what's going on with your business.

And give them some solid info each issue. Offer them tips and advice. Andoccasional bonuses!

Don't let your newsletter in their inbox be a big surprise either. Keep in touchwith them often enough that they aren't shocked to hear from you. Nothing worsethan a customer that scratches his or her head wondering who the heck thisnewsletter is from.

More than anything, though, your customer newsletter contributes to yourpositioning as an expert. To your status as an authority within your niche.

In Closing...

Remember that this is only the beginning!

Once you've repositioned yourself effectively, you'll be able to set up hugelyprofitable ventures, such as consulting services and coaching programs. You'll beable to hold teleseminars with expert contributors, sell information packages...

The sky's the limit...

But first you need to get out of the commodity business and into the informationbusiness.

Good luck!

Copyright © 2005 by Bruce Carlson

Bruce Carlson is a freelance copywriter and marketing consultant living in Finland. Subscribe to his Dynamic Copywriter newsletter at and see how easily you can improve your online copywriting and direct marketing skills.


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