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 Installing Google Analytics on My Space
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Author Topic: Installing Google Analytics on My Space  (Read 676 times)
Stephen Taylor
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Installing Google Analytics on My Space
« Posted: July 16, 2007, 01:58:31 PM »

While Google Analytics allows websites to obtain web analytics data pertaining to their site there has recently been discussion about adding Google Analytics to Myspace, particularly individual profiles. Users of the popular social networking site want to be able to track their profile as they would any other website, and this would be possible inside Google Analytics if it were not for Myspace's restrictions that they place on what kind of coding that you may place in your profile.

For example, when you edit your profile on the left hand side you may notice, "You may enter HTML/DHTML or CSS in any text field. Javascript is not allowed. Do not use HTML/CSS to cover MySpace advertisements."

Of particular importance is Myspace's restriction of Javascript. This is done to prevent Myspace users from placing Google Adsense ads in their profiles, but it also restricts Google Analytics or any Javascript based application such as Omniture Site Catalyst or WebSideStory Hitbox Professional from obtaining data.

If you do use your Myspace profile to generate traffic to your website you are able to create a specific campaign that you are able to track through the Google Analytics URL Builder. Through that tool you can tag your Myspace profile links differently, such as from "About Me" section or "Interests", depending on where you placed the link in your profile.

There are a few third party companies working on solutions such as Mixmap, but we haven't verified that they do in fact work, or in what capacity.

If you have any further questions that we haven't clearly addressed, or just need some advise feel free to email us at [email protected]

Jeff Lawrence is the owner of Sonicko Consulting. This article may be reused provided that the full content is published. Sonicko focuses on web analytics and Google Analytics in particular. They provide Google Analytics installation and implementation, training, and support among other services. Based out of Los Angeles, CA you can reach them at their website:


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