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 Internet Marketing & e-Commerce - The Art of Planning for the Future
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Author Topic: Internet Marketing & e-Commerce - The Art of Planning for the Future  (Read 608 times)
Stephen Taylor
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On this digital Century the business and Data Technology administrations is radically moving to the Next-Generation of Business Administration. For that reason, this series of articles will indicate essential tips from us and also we included very fews from public sources about this specific affair or this advanced method of doing business. In spite of the event that very fews tips are public domains, if asked for that the source will be always mentioned.

Additionally, in all forms of communication, make confident you havë all process of contact printed on all materials including your call number, fax number, email address, physical address, and web site address. Do not employ a P O box as an location. With all of the scams today, a physical address gives more credibility to your business marketing efforts.

There arë many factors by which search engine decides the sequence in which web leafs are listed. Following factors are believed to have great influence on this decision: 1. “Optimization” of the web leaf for particular keywords 2. Number of back links 3. Frequency with which content of the web page is changed

In the parlance usëd in the forums this initiation of a fresh topic is known as starting a thread. Any one interested can respond to this message by posting his comments thereby adding to the thread. As other members add their views the thread grows.

Do not create the visitor fëel forced to obtain your products on account of pressurizing the visitors will just create you lose a prospective client. Selling is an art. Do [IT] in a more subtle and sophisticated way.

You demand a namë that makes sense locally, but if you grow, the nickname will still be understood elsewhere.

Not focusing on the correctly market: Picking thë correctly market is the most valuable part of a marketing plan. Right products for the fair markets is the motto you should always practice.

Asia is a very attractive markët due to the sheer number of its population. Another advantage is that this market is young, and so that leaves a abundance of room for development.

Offering no content: Many wëb site owners are so excited with the whole notion of doing online business that they just forget that absolute content is required to keep the visitor hooked to your web site.

Presentation: Thë content and appearance of your web pages form the presentation. Both these parts are equally essential – content as well as appearance and layout. You could have your own website or affiliate pages to show, but the same common rules apply.

Marketing analysis includes: finding outside what groups of potëntial customers [or markets] exist, what groups of customers you prefer to serve [target markets], what their needs are, what products or services you might develop to meet their needs, how the customers might prefer to apply the products and services, what your competitors are doing, what pricing you should apply and how you should distribute products and services to your target markets.

A very great product placed in a wrong markët can lead to a disaster. Employ some tools to select the fair market and also invest date in searching for the most suitable keywords that fit the market.

Article Promotion: You can send your articlës for publication to various ezines and article directories. At the end of the article you are allowed to give your resource box in which you can comprehend URL of your web page. When your articles are published by ezines, they are picked up by other ezines and webmasters for republishing on their web sites.

Market analysis includes finding gone what groups of potëntial customers [or markets] exist, what groups of customers you prefer to serve [target markets], what their needs are, what products or services you might develop to meet their needs, how the customers might prefer to apply the products and services, what your competitors are doing, what pricing you should employ and how you should distribute products and services to your target markets.

After all, if you are not ëven confident about the market that you are going to promote your products to, then how are you going to survive in your business?

It is very unlikely that your visitors will bëcome your subscribers and customers in their first visit. You may be able to convert them by regular contact. Your visitors may give back to your web pages, but you can do higher quality by reaching them from your side.


S. Maurer is a 53-years old college graduated IT professional, with 30 years of experience in the computer & technology fields. Now is the Academic Director of the low cost Online University


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