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 More on Vector Graphics
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Author Topic: More on Vector Graphics  (Read 563 times)
Shawn Tracer
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More on Vector Graphics
« Posted: February 25, 2008, 01:59:54 PM »

More on Vector Graphics
 by: Nash Ville

According to the blog entitled “Vector Graphics” which was posted by Neil last December 2, 2004 at, the author mentioned that he just found this program called InkScape which appears to be an open source vector drawing program.

Inkscape is a program for viewing, creating and editing 2D vector drawings. It is an open source Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, Visio and other drawing programs. Its supported SVG features include text, paths, layers, ellipses, gradients, grouping, rectangles, transforms, basic shapes, node editing, bitmap images, alpha blending, svg-to-png export, freehand curves, and many more. And, as an added bonus, both vector and bitmap objects can have alpha transparency and can be arbitrarily transformed. Graphics can also be printed and exported to png bitmaps.

“Vector" drawing in InkScape means that when you create a shape like a rectangle, it retains its identity. You can easily go back and resize it, change its color, or move it around without disturbing the rest of the drawing. One of Inkscape's distinguishing features is that it stores its drawings in a web-friendly XML format – the SVG format – which is a standard that is gaining support worldwide, in proprietary and public software alike. The open source community is now adopting this format for everything from desktop icons and company logos to web page animation and artistic illustration.

The main motivation of Inkscape is to provide the open source community with a fully XML, SVG and CSS2 compliant SVG drawing tool. Its additional planned works include conversion of the codebase from C/Gtk to C++/Gtkmm, emphasizing a lightweight core with powerful features added through an extension mechanism, and establishment of a friendly, open, community-oriented development processes. In addition, this application runs on Unix (including Linux), Windows and Mac OS X; however, the primary development platform is Linux.

With the introduction of Inkscape, the world of vector graphics will definitely continue to become more interesting and compelling. Finally, I would like to commend the developers of InkScape. And, I am looking forward for greater things to happen to this software application. More Power and kudos!

About The Author

Nash Ville

Well, I must say that I am not a born writer. I didn’t acquire this gift hereditarily either. However, I’m an adventure book lover and used to read everything that I come across in the Internet that sounds interesting. I think, I only developed it through constant practice and exposure to numerous writing stuff. I was chosen to compete in press conferences that showcased my need-so-well-developed writing skills. I became part of our school publication staff. I started as a news writer and photojournalist of the school paper. Soon, I was appointed editor-in-chief. It was during this time when I realized that I needed to be more efficient in writing because duty called for it. I should say that this event in my life opened me wholly to the wonderful world of writing.

With all these, I can’t say that I have mastered writing because of these writing experiences. I believe that this craft is also a continuous learning process. I’ve been working hard to become amore efficient and competent in writing, most especially now that I’m working as a content writer for this company. I’m doing articles for printing companies, medical sites, legal sites, and many more.

Additional Information about the articles can be found at

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