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 5 Creative Evolutionary Leadership Niche Strategies!
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Stephen Taylor
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5 Creative Evolutionary Leadership Niche Strategies!
« Posted: August 15, 2007, 11:59:37 AM »

5 Creative Evolutionary Leadership Niche Strategies!

I have a short story to share with you about an importantskill many leaders need to develop, use and perfect.

Life is a journey. The signposts along the path pointing outthe way are many and are sometimes hard to understand.

We hear news stories telling us it is the dawning of aknowledge-based society. As a leader, you may wonder aboutthe amount of knowledge that is reported to be soplentiful.

You recognize the many difficulties challenging you,weakening your leadership power and reducing your controlover Fate.

Where can people like you and your associates carry theburdens hidden in the vast amounts of data flooding yourmind everyday?

Would you like to know what your leadership responses shouldbe when facing your universe of fragmented situations,advantages and information?

How could you shape your confusing array of facts, figuresand incomplete thoughts into creatively elegant solutions,new products or transformational strategies?

This article describes how you can use your understanding of basic evolutionary forces to:

=> Sort through and identify root causes

=> Discover new opportunities and sources for innovation

=> Create a strategic focus on mission-critical priorities

=> Evolve solutions to challenges or complex problems

=> Use synergy, syntropy and synergetics to grow or prosper

Niche Strategy-1: Use historical developments to sortthrough and identify root causes

When describing the force of evolution, biologists investtheir efforts into studying, analyzing and evaluating the history of development concerning the group of interest to them.

To better understand the improvements, problems solved andprogressions accomplished by a biological species, you mustdetermine what caused, threatened or influenced thosechanges.

Leaders should search for what, how, why and when theemergence of new characteristics, qualities or traits beganto affect the organism [in this case your team, venture ororganization].

In biology, sorting through and understanding root causesleads to the discovery of more effective medicines,diagnosis and therapies.

In leadership, this process of discovery should lead togreater operational efficiencies, quality of execution andproduction, more robust growth opportunities and strongeralliances or wider networks of influence.

Niche Strategy-2: Recognize how elan vital propels discoveryof new opportunities and sources for innovation

What are the vital forces of life? How do they contribute tocreativity, revitalizing, renewing of living organisms?

The qualities scientists believe form the foundation foremergent or creative evolution and elan vital are based onboth observed and imagined principles of our spiritual,emotional and related incorporeal natures.

To be effective, you need to understand and harness thoseeclectic, motivating forces. You must dig under the facadespresented by people to reveal their intangible natures andqualities.

Great leaders constantly learn how to

=> Encourage and magnify positive mental attitudes,

=> Apply liberal treatments of positive reinforcement

=> Provide sincere, candid expressions of recognition orrewards

=> Strengthen and focus the faith, hope and charity ofpeople

=> Use spiritual, emotional and theological truths tostep-up, transform and energize human achievement,creativity and resourcefulness.

Niche Strategy-3: Adapt to the environment by creating astrategic focus on mission-critical priorities

The survival of a species is dependent upon its ability toadapt to changes, shifts or conflicts in its environment.

Biologic or living entities are intensely sensitive to themyriad interactions, exchanges and transactions occurringwithin their ecological niches.

You and your group are subject to never-ending series orwaves of differences, compromises and attacks from yourassociates, suppliers, competitors, partners and rulers.

Leadership excellence demands your unwavering focus,unbending stance and unrelenting grasp on the details ofyour strategy, mission and key priorities - can you saythese guiding elements are:

=> Well-defined or being clarified on a regular basis?

=> Based on the realities of your current situation and itsrealistic possibilities?

=> Important enough to satisfy the needs of your people orstakeholders for recognition, purpose and growth?

There are destructive and evolutionary forces at work inyour environment - your primary task is to hold forth thelight of nobility, righteousness and goodness for others tosee or be guided by.

Niche Strategy-4: Explore further out to evolve elegantsolutions to challenges or complex problems

There are combinations, immersions and swappings involvingorganisms or their organic surroundings happening all thetime and all around an ecological niche.

Organisms tend to exhibit signs of evolutionary formations,process or development through these movement types:

=> Approaching or moving towards each other

=> Establishing a correspondence with other parts, organismsor locations which were picked-up, found-out, formed-by orabsorbed-through a natural convergence or parallelevolution

=> Proceeding through successive changes that involve oraffect the interactions between ecologically interdependentorganisms

=> Emerging out-of and -from an enveloping field or obscureposition

=> Gradually progressing through time or space to a desiredendpoint due to stated policy or some process ofaccumulating smaller amounts of new organic materials orresources

=> Regressing backwards to earlier stages of development,which may be defined as a simplification of form or evengoing from a better to a worse state

=> Existing in a relatively stable state for long periods oftime and then experiencing brief periods of rapid changeduring which new forms of the organism appear - these areusually caused by radical fluctuations and alterations inthe organism's local environment

Niche Strategy-5: Incorporate the dynamics of synergy,syntropy and synergetics to grow or prosper

Evolution is thought of as being somewhat random in itsoccurrence or as lacking some ordered purpose.

However, recent developments in our understanding have beeninfluenced by the sciences and studies of numerousnon-traditional newer avenues of inquiry.

Since synergy and syntropy describe the effects of energybeing exported, radiated-out from or involving theintentional combinations of two or more organisms, we nowknow that evolution can also result from a cooperative,purposeful venture.

You can think of the energies being output by alliedorganisms affecting an environment in such a way as toinfluence adaptations, progressions and changes in otherorganisms who operate or live within the same environment.

Leaders can learn more about how these synergeticassociations can contribute to evolutionary change byunderstanding the core principles of sociobiology,teleonomy, microevolution, cladistics, vicariancebiogeography, the phenomena of punctuated equilibrium, theconcept of noosphere and coevolution.


By nature, leaders are facilitators of evolutionaryprogress. Leadership sits at the wheel of an organism'scontrol center, it is the organic instigator or catalyst -leaders are 'agents of Change'.

These 5 niche strategies will empower your ability thinkcritically, improve your effectiveness and to excel at:

=> Solving problems,

=> Make informed decisions

=> Supervise work performances

=> Increase employee resourcefulness

=> Discover opportunities to innovate or create new things

A recent survey of executive recruiters revealed that thetop mistakes made by newly appointed senior executives istheir failure to establish strategic priorities and waitingtoo long to implement a program of change [as reported byKorn/Ferry International].

With the information contained in this article, you have thesupport you need to defeat feelings of uncertainty while youavoid making these same career-ending errors.

You will find confidence and hope building inside you whenapply these niche strategy concepts to the issues andchallenges of your real-life situations.

What have we learned today? Evolution exerts a complex offorces which operate on the time and space where organismsstrive, survive and are sustained.

Evolutionary leadership activities involve the creativeshaping of ecological niches in such ways as to effectbeneficial adaptations of their enterprise's mission andpriorities to any changes, challenges or threats in itsenvironment.

Leaders need to understand how they should strategically,creatively and aggressively direct those evolutionaryimpulses towards making a positive impact upon theirorganizations.

As you apply these truths to your daily tasks of providingoversight and stewardship, you will quickly see the tangiblepayoffs and proof that your knowledge of these criticalconcepts is sound.

Learn more about this subject by reading our 'blog': Leadership skills training & development for creating energy!
Leadership skills training & development for creating energy!

I know your sensitivity to the operation and manifestationsof evolution will enable you to sustain the health andprosperity of your organization as you successfully achieveall your objectives.

Copyright © 2004, Mustard Seed Investments Inc.,
All rights reserved.

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