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  6 Key Ways to Distinguish Yourself as a Business Professional
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6 Key Ways to Distinguish Yourself as a Business Professional
« Posted: February 05, 2008, 12:21:49 PM »

Regardless of your business area, with competition mounting it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out and get yourself and your business noticed. One crucial, but often neglected area that you can address immediately is your image as a professional. Here are 6 key ways you can help raise yourself head and shoulders above the rest of the pack and increase your chances of success.

1. Dress for Success

Incredibly, there are those who give little attention to the image they present before potential clients and customers. Any business related contact must be treated as an opportunity to further your business interests. You should be groomed to the point of being precise whenever engaged in business dealings with current or potential clients. Always be sure to be properly attired for business appointments, meetings and conferences. Your business area too should be in presentable condition. How does it look? How does it smell? Clean the floors, empty the trash, dust and get rid of anything scurrying around with more than two legs.

2. Have well – appointed, precise business documents

Any paperwork related to your business or company must clearly identify its purpose and provide full contact information. You should have letterhead stationery for both online and off line dealings. Other documents which must be well-prepared in advance of any customer contact include envelopes, contracts, invoices, receipts, flyers, brochures, sales letters, folders and business cards. Keep your materials focused. Do not adopt a one-format-fits-all scenario. It may be cheaper, but it just doesn’t convey a professional image of you or your company. Double and triple check format, spelling and grammar on all written correspondence before it goes out or you may really be sorry. Ef U don’t no how 2 rite oar spel do whut U hv 2 too fix the prablum.

3. Be Organized

Without fail keep all appointments no matter how trivial they may appear to be at first. You never know what the other person may lead you to, or who they may become down the road. Return phone calls and inquiries promptly. Use a system that will allow you to maintain a schedule of events, appointments, calls and activities. Keep in regular contact with all new and prospective customers and clients. Be sure to make use of available tools that may help to grow and expand your business. If you’re not using internet tools as effectively as you can, read the article “5 Essential Tools You Need for Marketing on the Internet”. It’ll help get you going in the right direction. It’s here:

4. Conduct All Business Matters Promptly

Always be on time for scheduled appointments, meetings and other business-related activities. Always meet set deadlines for work you are contracted to do – verbally or in writing. Stick to contracts faithfully on your part. Keep an accurate clock visible during business hours. Plan ahead. You must absolutely show respect for other people’s time and resources. Remember; do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It is said that “an elephant never forgets” – neither do some key people you need now and in the future. Be professional.

5. Be knowledgeable in your field of business

Without fail, regardless of how well (or how poorly) you’re doing, take time to read key instruments related to your field of business. You can’t be too healthy, too rich or too well-informed. Take short courses, seminars or training in areas where you may be a little weak. They’ll pay off in ways you cannot know at the time. Get newsletters, RSS feeds, newsletters and articles regularly. Visit chat rooms dealing with topics of interest. Ever hear of “serendipity”? It means finding or recognizing a valuable (or profitable) opportunity because of specialized knowledge or experience. What you don’t know can hurt you, whether you realize it or not. Keep abreast of current events and news – especially those related in some way to your area of business. When chatting in a networking situation, news tidbits can be lifesavers, deal-makers or deal-busters.

6. Market Briskly and Regularly

Seek out and take advantage of every opportunity to network. You’ll have to get your products and services in front of enough people to make a sale. How many is that? If you don’t know, market and network until you do. No matter what your business, it’s all in the numbers: the more, the better. Avail yourself of opportunities for public speaking, at your local chamber, for business organizations, schools, institutes, conferences, seminars and any other venues available. If you’re not a poised, accomplished speaker now’s the time to break some new ground. Try these tips:

• Have a look at the article “8 Tips for Giving Your First Presentation before a Live Audience at: .

Brainstorm regularly for expanding into new markets and methods of promoting your business:

• For some initial ideas on breaking into new marketing areas that may be a bit out of your norms, take a peek at “6 Essential Keys to Marketing Web-Based Products and Services in Latin America”, available at: .

• Don’t neglect writing articles related to your business or company either. Not only “business” articles either. Your can write on topics of interest locally. Delve into facets of your region that interest potential clients, existing customers or the locals. Seek out the unusual, the rare, the interesting. But be sure, if it’s of interest to them, it’ll be of interest to many others and will help get you and your business noticed. Jump start your thinking a bit by reading “10 Tips for Writing Exotic Articles about Where You Live” online for your mind-expanding pleasure at:

Working on these six key areas will help to get you and your business noticed, generate new leads and opportunities, as well as helping you to stand out from the rest of the herd. Many of your competitors may short-change themselves in some of these areas, but now at least YOU won’t - right? And if I can help, feel free to drop me a line.

Larry M. Lynch is a writer and photographer specializing in business, travel, food and education-related writing in South America. His work has appeared in Transitions Abroad, South American Explorer, Escape From America, Mexico News and Brazil magazines in print and online. Contact him at: [email protected] As an expert author he can ghost-write original, exclusive articles for your articles marketing campaign and content for your website, newsletter, blog or e-zine. For a free quote on services send your requirements or questions to: [email protected]

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