Recruitment - Pick People Who Think
Old style management doesn't encourage personal mindcontrol, employees aren't encouraged to think. That wascertainly the case when I started work back in the bad olddays however it's still prevalent in many businesses today.
It's evident in many of the organisations that I work withthat there's a culture of - "I'm the boss - I tell you whatto do - you don't question it."
The successful manager doesn't react that way, he or sheemploys people who think; people with a mind of their ownwho aren't afraid to say what they think and feel. You needpeople who question, who challenge you as a manager.
I remember sitting in on a second interview with John, amanager client of mine who was interviewing candidates for asales job. One of the candidates was a guy called Phil; hewas a very strong character, full of questions andsuggestions on how the job should be done.
John turned to me when Phil left the room - "That guy'sgood, I reckon he'd be a good salesman for us, but I don'tthink I could handle him." John was a much quieter type ofperson than Phil and I knew he felt uncomfortable with hisstyle.
So I asked John - "What do you want this new salesman todo?" "I want him to bring in new business" said John. "Doyou think he can do that" I asked. "Of course I do, I justthink he'll be difficult to handle."
Again, it all comes down to outcomes; of course you've gotto consider how you're going to work with a new team memberbut you sometimes need to get out of your comfort zone andtake a risk.
John hired Phil and he brought in the new business that Johnneeded. Phil was always a handful and a challenge for Johnbut they learned to work together.
Discover how you can interview and recruit the best peoplefor your team!
Alan Fairweather is the author of "How to get More Salesby Picking the Best Team" This book is packed withpractical things that you can do to ? make your life easier and achieve your business goals.
Click here now:http://www.howtogetmoresales.com