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 Business Card Design - How to Stand out and Get Noticed
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Author Topic: Business Card Design - How to Stand out and Get Noticed  (Read 630 times)
Stephen Taylor
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Business Card Design - How to Stand out and Get Noticed
« Posted: August 13, 2007, 03:12:41 PM »

Business Card Design - How to Stand out and Get Noticed

One of the most powerful, yet over looked weapons in yourmarketing arsenal is your business card. If designed properlythis little 3 x 2.5 piece of paper will not only let people knowhow to contact you it will also tell them why they shouldcontact you. In order to be effective and get you more businessyour Business card must stand out, and get noticed.

How a distinctive business card resulted in a $5,000 Sale

A friend of mine and his wife recently went furniture shopping.By the end of the day they had gone to 8 stores and had 8Business cards. 7 of the Business Cards were your garden varietywhite cards with one or two color writing on them.

One card was a little different. The salesman, we will call himBob, had decided to make his card stand out a little by puttinghis picture on it along with a couple of color pictures of hisfurniture. Bob's business card made an immediate impression.

The next day they flipped through the all the business cardsthat they had received the previous day. They immediatelyremembered Bob from his business card. They went to Bob's storeand spent over $5,000! All because of a business card.

5 Tips to make your Business Card Stand out

1 - Use Full Color Printing

In the old days full color printing (4 color printing) wasextremely expensive. You could pay over $200 /1000 for highquality full color cards. Prices have dropped and you can nowget beautiful full color cards printed for about the same priceas a plain two color card.

2 - Use a Tagline

A "tagline" is a one sentence benefit statement. Think of yourBusiness card as a "Mini Billboard". Pretend that you arewriting a classified ad for a newspaper. You only have a smallamount of space to describe your product or service in anintriguing way ? what would you write to describe it? For example: A Realtor could say "Helping Build dreams one homeat a time"

3 - Put a picture on it!

I highly recommend that you put a picture on your business card.Studies have shown that people are more likely to hold on to aBusiness card with a photo on it. It could be your picture, apicture of your product, or a combination of both. Picturecards get attention!

4 - Don't use Business Card "Templates"

There are websites you can go to online where you can choosefrom pre-made business card designs called templates. Theproblem with this is that the more people who use thesetemplates the more you card starts to look like everybodyelse's. You want to have a business card that stands outfrom everybody else's, not one that gets lost in the crowd.

5 - Let a Professional Design It

Unless you are a professional graphic designer designing yourown card is like performing root canal on yourself. Its going totake a lot of time and you may not be happy with the results.Leave the designing to the professionals and use you time doingwhat you do best ? selling your product or service!

Copyright © Jack Bastide All rights Reserved

Jack Bastide specializes in helping you get more business! Youcan contact him via his web site orcall him at 800-59-JACKB Register to win a Free Business CardMakeover at For more freemarketing tips and tools visit


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