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 Did You Know Your Mind-Set IS Your Problem?
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Stephen Taylor
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Did You Know Your Mind-Set IS Your Problem?
« Posted: August 13, 2007, 02:47:11 PM »

Did You Know Your Mind-Set IS Your Problem?

How To Save Yourself From The Pits of Marketing Cyber Hell!

"Your Mind-Set IS Your Problem!"

Did you know that the one major thing that stands between You and Success is Your Mind Set? Yes it is true. Sometimes our "Own Stinkin' Thinkin'" gets in the way of our Success, or our ability to achieve success. Try as we may, we just can't get any further ahead than we were yesterday. Frankly we have been so use to failure in our lives that failure is all we seem to attract. But it doesn't have to be this way!!!

So then WHY was I not able to prosper, why was I living in poverty? Because of my OWN Mind-Set, I was so use to it that I expected it all the time. This cycle can be broken. Now, the first step to accomplish this is the One Step that a lot of people do not pay that much attention to, yet it is one of the most important aspects of true wealth. I am talking about the mental aspect of true wealth. Hang on! I know you are tired of listening to the same psychology song over and over. Do not worry! The mental aspect of true wealth is actually very simple and easy to apply.

It is actually like a list of steps that you have to "get into your mind" before we really get to apply the "Mind Set Change" that I have been talking about so much. Once you know all these steps and are ready to apply them, then you will really be ready to start the journey. Please! Do not dis-regard this section thinking that you do not need any mental preparation. YOU DO!! It is very important!

Here are three "keys" to success:

Timing: Being at the right place at the right time.

Having Vision: Seeing potential in what is being presented. Having the ability to see success.

Taking Action: Going one step further than the rest. Doing instead of saying.

Those three "keys" are essential to recognize success, and to make it a part of your life.

Once you have made the decision to "Take Action," your next task would be to follow what I call "The Ten Steps To Changing your Mind-Set" As I said before, they are very simple, but extremely important if your purpose is to achieve true wealth.

Isn't it time to Save Yourself from the Pits of Marketing Cyber Hell?

About The Author

Copyright 2004 Written By Kimberly "Fire-Flash" Gordon

Author of "A JV With Jesus" Marketing online with a Purpose.

Have you taken the 10 Steps to change Your Mindset?

Do so Now: [email protected]


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