The regulatory authority has authorized the depository participants to provide the entire details involving the transaction/holding statements to the investors either through a secured line or through e-mail. To avail this service, the investor must enter into an agreement in the prescribed format as required by the regulatory authority.
Ever since the advent of the internet, it is emerging as one of the most popular mediums for the dissemination of up-to-date information to business partners. Very recently, the regulatory authority has launched its first Internet-based application process. It is actually very similar to the Securities Position Easy Electronic Dissemination (SPEED) service. When an investor makes a request to trade with a commodities trading company, the company must give up to date information in a lucid manner. The website must be properly designed to provide information of the pay-ins to the clearing members.
The main features of this service are:
• A secured access with multi-layered security through User Id and password
• Up to date information hosted on the website at regular frequency
• It must enable the clearing member (CM) to:
o View the commodity balance and the transactions made in their CM pool account
o Track the commodities transferred by their clients into their CM pool account
o Follow-up with those clients who have not delivered the commodities
o Keep track of the deliveries given to the clearing corporation and hence know the shortages which could go for auction
o Reduce the enquiries to depository participants
This service is likely to be updated to include details of payouts also in the near future. Commodities trading companies that have realized the role of the modern software platforms in enhancing trade in commodities have striven hard to post better results.