Sales Coaching... Fact or Fiction?
Stephen Taylor:
Sales Coaching... Fact or Fiction?
The old adage in selling has always been, "Find out what they want, then, give it to them." The fundamentals of selling are clearly that elemental. The application thereof, however, continues to be the litmus test that quickly separates the skilled from the rest.
In the past, the selling profession relied upon its own bullpens crowded with accomplished journeymen to assume the role of mentor or coach to guide the up-and-coming. But sadly, those days are gone.
Statistics show the average tenure in today's typical sales force is only two to three years. For many reasons like downsizing, smaller margins, and fewer incentives, experienced salespeople now find it necessary [easy] to move on. Some get entrepreneurial and open small companies of their own. In their wake, younger and far less tenured people fill the ranks - quickly becoming the less experienced mainstay of frontline selling.
There is still another challenge. Due to the evolution and ever-changing complexities of products and solutions, heavy employment emphasis over the last decade in particular has and continues to be, placed on technical skills over selling skills. No one will argue the importance of knowing one's products inside and out - especially when they are complex. Nevertheless, without experience, training and a natural aptitude for selling, any sales person is more a "Teller, not a Seller."
That is to say, a salesrep today can be quite adept at providing correct technical answers for customers but can often lack the sales aptitude and education to do what they need to do ? 'Close Deals'. In practice, now armed with the right solution, customers are free to shop it to other "Tellers" for price. The result? Dwindling margins, unhappy salespeople and high turnover? Huge Costs for the Corporation!
So what's the answer? In a word, "Coaching."
At a time when companies outsource for strategic expertise like legal, accounting and payroll services, professional speakers / trainers / consultants - most of whom with decades of distinguished sales and marketing experience - are in demand to meet the need for coaching, mentoring and training
The sad reality is today's overworked executives and small business owners often find themselves engaged in a delicate balancing act between the needs of their inexperienced sales force and the demands of fundamental day-to-day business survival. Something inevitably has to give and it usually does. For this reason, outsourcing for needed coaching [not available in-house] makes so much sense.
Professional Coaches with 'proven' experience work directly with companies and individuals to put 'proven' programs into place expressly focused on sales/motivation and success-strategies integral to personal and corporate long-term goals in today's more Unique Value-Driven marketplace.
Successful companies know:
* Coaching programs work.
* Coaches drive greater sales and profitability.
* Coaches are an Investment ? Not a Cost. and,
* Coaches are far less expensive than the status quo.
Fact: Government sources purported the cost of recruiting, hiring, benefits/salary and training the average sales rep is approximately $50,000.00. "No small investment for even a large corporation."
Fact: "Without proper training and attention, sales aren't made, reps move on and - the Investment Cost Doubles!"
About The Author
Paul Shearstone aka The 'Pragmatic Persuasionist' is one of North America's foremost experts on Sales and Persuasion. An International Keynote Speaker, Author, Writer, Motivation, Corporate Ethics, / Time & Stress Management Specialist, Paul enlightens and challenges audiences as he informs, motivates and entertains. To comment on this article or to book the Pragmatic Persuasionist for your next successful event we invite to contact Paul Shearstone directly @ 416-728-5556 or 1-866-855-4590. or [email protected]
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