Once your business has been established for a couple of months you will find that the cash flow is better and you could better afford to have your business cards professionally printed. This will give them a better finish. The printers can experiment with colours and find something that will suit your taste. The texture of the paper could be changed, this give you a very professional card and you will feel proud to distribute them.
Make sure you distribute your cards in busy areas such as a shopping mall or bus station. You cannot guarantee that everyone will keep your cards, but a percentage of receivers definitely will.
Business cards must be one of the oldest forms of advertising and they are just as popular today as they ever were. It is such a small card, but contains all the relevant information about your business. When you hand someone a card he knows the name of your business, your physical address and all the relevant contact numbers should he want to make contact with you. He will become familiar with your logo and he will be aware of the product you sell or the service you render. That is all you are trying to convey to each and everyone you hand a card to.
Few people will refuse to take a card from you but, they will probably refuse to take a large flyer from someone as this encumbers them. When you start a new business and your cash flow is low there is normally not much left for an advertising campaign. You can start out by making your own cards and this can be done without much cost to you. You can design them yourself which could be a lot of fun. Before you start printing, first show your family and friends and listen to their input. You can make adjustments and then print them on your lazer printer. Make use of bright colors and bold fonts so that the cards are eye catching and passersby will want to take them from you.
You are now ready to start distributing to the public. Look for a busy spot in the area where you store is situated. You want the locals to be acquainted with your business then you can move further a field. A shopping mall, train station or bus station are all good places to start your distribution. Hand a card to each passer by with a smile and a cheery greeting. Most people will not refuse to take it from you. You cannot expect every card to be read and kept for reference later on, but many will be appreciated.
Lianne van Niekerk writes informative articles covering all subjects such as Business Cards