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 ManyCam Virtual Webcam 2.4.39
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Author Topic: ManyCam Virtual Webcam 2.4.39  (Read 11023 times)
Rhea Thomas
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ManyCam Virtual Webcam 2.4.39
« Posted: September 10, 2009, 01:53:44 PM »

ManyCam Virtual Webcam 2.4.39
License model :
Limitations :
Not available
Operating systems :
Windows Vista, Windows 95, Windows Me, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 2000
Additional requirements :
Not available
Publisher's description
ManyCam is the freeware tool for you if you use both CamFrog and ICQ, or any other video chat program, and you want to use them simultaneously. It creates a "virtual" Webcam that replicates your currently installed camera. It then lets multiple applications access the video stream without conflict.

ManyCam is compatible with Yahoo, MSN, CamFrog, PalTalk, ICQ, Skype, YouTube, and more. Once you've installed ManyCam, you need to set ManyCam as the primary input for program that you want to use. ManyCam will automatically start when activate your Webcam through that program. The application includes a bunch of gimmicky features that let you change aspects of the background and foreground. You can map a new pair of cartoon eyes over your face, and they track pretty well to your movements, or you can show that your life is hell by replacing the background with flames.
Manycam allows you to use your Webcam with multiple programs at the same time. Broadcast your Webcam video simultaneously on MSN Messenger, Yahoo, Skype, AIM, PalTalk, and CamFrog. Manycam also lets you to add cool live computer generated special effects and graphics to your video. Make it appear as if your face or hand is on fire with our "fire" effect. Pretend you are underwater, or make it look as if it's snowing inside your house. Add text, graphics, or your country's flag to your video window.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2009, 02:55:45 PM by Mark David » Logged

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