Adaptability as a Key to Success
Do you ever stop to consider how much we change and grow as people? I'm not talking so much about "maturing" or physical growth. What I'm driving atis the changes that occur inside of us; the changes in thought and self perception. We are constantly bombarded with an incredible amount ofinformation. Our grandparents didn't get nearly as much stimulation in their lives as we get in a single day. We are exposed to more ideas, morelifestyles, more ideologies every week than our great grandparents ever heard of. So given this fact it is imperative that we learn good copingmechanisms and a strong sense of focus.
We are still driven by the same fight or flightresponses that our ancestors were, only now wedeal with different circumstances. To developstrength of character and the ability to weatherthe storms of life, we must first accept thatdisturbances are a normal part of life. We mustlearn to grow and adapt to the adversity.If you want to excel at this game of life, Isuggest you learn to embrace the concept ofadaptability. You should look at the challengesand trials of life as exciting adventures to workyour way through rather than toil and suffering totry to avoid.
Be open minded to the thoughts and ideas ofothers, young and old, rich and poor. There are notwo people exactly alike. If we listen instead oftalk, we learn from the people we encounter.Today, make the decision to embrace the diversityof life experience and work to create your heroictales of success!
Bill White is a synchronicity expert and is co-creator of the "Grow Rich While You Sleep Success System" at