The key way to success is the way of personal and individual development: in order to improve life one has to be himself, has to be a personality and be different from the rest of the crowd. Everyone would agree that for success the role of attitude is as important as person’s ambitions in achieving his goal. Attitude is the basement of future success, basement of confidence and firm character. Money has nothing to do with successful business- carrier of successful individual is done by Personality. There is no need to neglect what you have now, and when having desire to have more, there is no need to look on somebody. The first thing, that has to be realized is that it`s essential to cognize yourself, cognize people and the surrounding world. Cognition is more than important as it represents rationalism of the reasonable development of the personality and everything that distinguishes the personality from the rest of the group.
In order to become unordinary person, one has to know how to achieve it. As there is nothing like the “right way of life”, none can explain what we have to do in order to become perfect. There exist only social norms of morality and behavior that form a conscious priority of behavior in society. But it is said nowhere what we have to do in order to become happy and achieve success. And even more, should we change ourselves when we pursuit happiness and harmony. The attitude of the person is turning point in development of his personality.
If one realizes, that he has no need to change radically in order to make his ambitions and dreams come true, he would feel a wide horizon of possibilities for a personal growth, for aspiration and work. This self-realization of one`s possibilities and potential is like a mental freedom from fears and prejudices which prevent from any active action on the way to the dream. Even if the dream is common and usual, person has to first of all make up his mind which way he wants to choose: to do what his heart tells him, or what others tell. Often the call of the heart may be different from public opinion but if it`s what one really wants he has to pave his way on his own, despite the reproaches of others.
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Besides struggle with internal enemies in the face of lack of confidence, fears and public opinion, there is another integral component of success- activity. Person who paves way to prosperity, personal realization and happiness by a hard work, overcoming everyday obstacles and hardships, learning being more patient and tolerant will definitely appreciate and value the results of his work and will do his best to preserve what he had achieved. It will also teach him to use every minute of joy and happiness fully. It`s always important to remember that only the attitude of the person to life defines the attitude of life towards that person, nothing else. Attitude defines the way we behave, things we do, deciding we make, that why we have to form positive attitude.
So as we can see the key factor to success is in our hands, the only thing we have to do is to release ourselves from prejudices, fears and other moral vices. As there is only one reason which prevents us from happiness and success – our mind. Ending the speech, I would like to quote the saying of Thomas Jefferson: “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude”
Aaron is a professional freelance writer at custom essays writing service: He is also a technical writer, advertising copywriter, & website copywriter for Custom Essay Writing Service.
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