Microsoft Open Licensing Renewals Made Easy In my, ?
Do my licenses expire after three years with Open Value?
? post, I talked about how licenses acquired through Volume Licensing do not expire and how you have the option to renew your Software Assurance coverage for an additional three year of benefits. So, are you talking with your clients about their upcoming agreements that are due for renewal? Do your commercial customers have Open licensing agreements with Microsoft that are due for renewal? Not sure? We can help.
Microsoft, in partnership with our top distributors, has teamed up to provide you with:
Information about all of YOUR customers that have Open renewals coming up
Simple, concise training and documentation on how to approach the conversation with your customer, and execute the renewal
The goal? We want to ensure that you, our partners, are armed with the information you need to help your customers make educated, cost-effective decisions around their Microsoft licensing needs.
The process is simple. If you?d like information on your customers, send an email to the following address. Please note, all information is required, and we will respond to your request within 3 business days. If we have any questions on your request, we?ll reach out to you via phone or email, so please ensure you double-check your contact information when submitting.
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