New brand measurement and optimisation agency, TransgressiveX (TX) continues its market shake-up by this week introducing The Brand eXchange Power Survey. After three years of testing, development and working with key clients, TX is launching it to the open market. It is a radical and progressive proprietary measurement and optimisation tool, delivering forensic brand guidance and eclipsing conventional research methods.
The eXchange System was developed by the renowned Consumer Psychologist Nadim Sadek, ex-Worldwide Commercial & Strategy Director of Research International. Now CEO of TransgressiveX, he has assembled a ‘best DNA’ team for a ‘clean-sheet re-design’ in quantitative brand optimisation. The result is a standard-setting, insight-based marketing guidance system, born of an interaction between global CEO, CMO, Heads of Insight and Research leaders. “We developed The eXchange System, in which The Brand eXchange Power Survey is the key service, in response to some current truths: brand authority has fundamentally declined in recent years, alongside profound cultural changes that have seen traditional pillars of society fall, and people are overwhelmed by a surfeit of often-redundant data. Brands now need to earn their relationships, every day, in many ways. The traditional quant survey, predicated on ‘the conversion funnel’ just is not fit for purpose any longer. That’s especially true when you consider that not only have consumer and cultural standards in relationships fundamentally changed, but that neuroscience teaches us what really affects interactions, and technology enables us to capture a complex system with elegant simplicity. We are now able to access true drivers of brand-consumer relationships, measure them in ways proven to be far more heartfelt, and to analyse them so that brand management can actually use insight to guide and optimise marketing investments. It’s madness to persist in applying tired old paradigms, when it’s completely feasible to be lighter-footed, quicker-witted, and a whole lot more cost-effective. The Brand eXchange Power Survey is born of this age to serve brands today.”
The TX team developed its own intellectual property and proprietary technology to capture this sea-change in the marketing landscape. It captures a brand’s fundamental powers of Seduction & Persuasion, via System 1 heartfelt responses, all across the consumer journey. Its analysis forensically optimises Propositional ‘Pull’ and Activation ‘Push’ for value growth and competitive advantage, with which its guidance is highly correlated. Future direction is given through evaluation of the impact of intended marketing initiatives on Brand Equity, through Pull & Push. Uniquely, The bXp Survey provides the most granular diagnosis ever seen, as well as the most predictive prognosis available.
TX client service is anchored by The bXp Survey. It offers a single-number score of a brand’s effective competitive power, then breaks this down to show competitive strength, weakness and opportunity, against a whole competitive set, across the entire consumer journey. Its forensic nature removes the ‘white noise’ of most insight, simplifying guidance with huge levels of confidence. Brands know what to do, where to do it, and why, with rapidity and clarity. The bXp Survey forensically guides development of Brand Equity, Proposition and Packaging Development, Product Innovation, and Communications.