(Writen By Sam - EduX Services)
Spyware Nuker is a malware itself
Hi everyone, this is Sam again. As you would have probably know that this article could be marketing related or it could be regarding Internet Business. But this time, i am going to write something different. This article is meant to provide additional information regarding a antispyware software name as Spyware Nuker.
Did anyone buy this so call "antispyware software"? I hope not. Because this software is actually a malware itself.
Let me give you a report by Symantec.
Ok... Here is the link :
http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/adware.spywarenuker.htmlIf you happen to dowwnload this program, you can remove them by following the instructions in the above link which i have given here.
Anyway, this is a summary report on this malware.
Adware.SpywareNuker is an adware program that downloads advertisements from a server and displays them on the system. It has the ability track your Web browsing habits, and to download new versions of the software with additional functionality without user notification.
Note: May break Layered Service Provider(LSP) in Windows TCP/IP leading to loss of networking capabilities.
Files on the system detected as Adware.SpywareNuker.
Computer attempts to connect tohttp://www.spywarenuker.com.
This adware program has to be installed manually.
When the installation process is started, SpywareNukerInstaller.exe attempts to connect to spywarenuker.com to download SpyNukerSetup.exe, which is another component of the setup program. This file is saved to C:\Program Files\Trek Blue. When the download is complete this file is executed.
By default, the program installs itself to C:\Program Files\Trek Blue\Spyware Nuker, and then insert several files and subfolders in this folder.
The program comes with a LSPFix executable that modifies Windows TCP/IP setup. As a result of this modification, you may loose network connectivity.
I hope this come useful to you all. Just in case if you wanted to know if a certain program is a malware or virus, you may use the search function ofr the symantec website. Just type the program name and you will know if the security center sees them as malware or not.
Just to provide all the information which i can give, you can find the link for symantec website here:
http://www.symantec.com/index.htmArticle at:
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