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 Atlantis Rises Book
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Atlantis Rises Book
« Posted: July 26, 2007, 12:06:33 PM »

Chapter one: Baby on the doorstep.

It was one of those cold and dark winter nights of England when someone knocks on Dr. Peterson's door. He and his wife were deep asleep in their warm bed when he hears the knock. He wakes up and heads for the door. His wife wakes up as she felt him leave the bed.

Kate: "What is it, Honey?"

Daniel: "I heard someone knocking on the door; I'm going to see who it is."

Kate: "It's half past midnight, I wonder who that can be."

Daniel: "I'll go see."

Daniel goes, opens the door and freezes in his tracks out of terror. His wife follows him a couple of minutes later and freezes in her tracks also. What they saw was a very bright light in front of their house this light moved upwards to the skies and launched swiftly with the speed of light to somewhere very far. Kate and Daniel were so stupefied and they stood there in front of their house gazing at the empty cold night sky until they were snapped back to reality by a little baby's cry.

They looked down at the doorstep where they found a little baby wrapped in a blue blanket. Daniel picked him up and found some sort of plastic thing underneath the baby. He handed the baby to his wife and picked it up. It was a triangular shaped thing. He examined it carefully but found nothing. He, his wife, and the baby entered to the house and didn't say a word until half an hour later.

Daniel: "Am I dreaming?"

Kate: "I don't think so."

Daniel: "I am so confused."

Kate: "Me too."

Daniel: "I wonder what that thing is."

Kate: "Let me see it."

Daniel: "Here."

She puts the baby between them on the couch and Daniel stretched his hand to give her that thing. As soon as it got over the baby it floated in midair and shone brightly. Then, some sort of hologram appeared over it. In the hologram, a man and a woman who looked human were standing side by side. The woman spoke first and the man followed her later.

Woman: "Hello. We are Atlanteans and we are from Atlantis. We had a long journey to come here. We need your help as much as you need ours."

Man: "We hope that you could take care of our baby and you will be greatly rewarded later but tell no one about this or about us. This baby is a boy of light and he is in grave danger. We will explain later."

Woman: "We will be back to take him when the time comes but we left you the liberty to give him an Earth name. Thank you in advance and take care of our son. End transmission."

Daniel: "Wow."

Kate: "We have no children yet. What a great time for a child."

Daniel: "What shall we call him?"

Kate: "I always liked the name Shawn. How about it?"

Daniel: "Then Shawn it is."

Daniel and Kate loved Shawn from the first look but they were still confused about what had happened that night. They decided not to tell Shawn anything about it until the right time. Since then, Daniel switched his interest from physics (he was a doctor in physics) to the study of UFOs, aliens, and the lost continent of Atlantis.

As soon as Daniel started his new study, he stumbled across some information about the Bermuda triangle and it's relation with Atlantis since they both had a common geographical area. Also, he noticed that many UFO appearances have occurred over this area. He also found some information concerning a psychic called Edgar Cayce who talked about Atlantis and it's relation with the Bermuda triangle. He said that machines from Atlantis are causing the disappearances. Cayce blamed the destruction of Atlantis on some sort of death ray misused by the Atlanteans. Daniel also noticed that it's been a long time since any disappearances have occurred.

if you wanna know what happens
please buy the book
here are the review and the links

Atlantis Rises.

After leaving him for sixteen years with foster parents and not letting him know his true identity, Shawn's real parents came back from Atlantis to take him to his true home. Throughout the story, many facts about Atlantis, the Bermuda triangle, UFOs, and other supernatural events will be enumerated and interconnected to make a wonderful and new theory explaining most of the paranormal phenomena that haunt our world. After many UFO battles and encounters, will Shawn leave his foster parents whom he loves so much and go explore a new and wonderful life in the legendary continent of Atlantis with his real parents?

Charbel Tadros
17 years old
Very interested in paranormal phenomena and writing


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