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 Low Interest Credit Cards Have Many Advantages
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Author Topic: Low Interest Credit Cards Have Many Advantages  (Read 1677 times)
Stephen Taylor
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Low Interest Credit Cards Have Many Advantages
« Posted: August 04, 2007, 11:35:59 AM »

Low Interest Credit Cards Have Many Advantages

When credit cards are used wisely they can be very beneficial to the consumer. A low interest credit card can be exceptionally beneficial. Many people use the same credit card that they have had for years. Some people still have the very first credit card that they ever received and just simply have never thought to switch to a card with a lower rate. There is a degree of comfort in habit, but shopping around for a lower interest rate credit card can quickly prove that switching is worth the little amount of effort it takes to do so.

With credit card companies aggressively competing for your business, it is easy to find a card with a low interest rate these days. Of course your credit score will determine how low of an interest rate you will be able to get. There are many helpful websites that have made the process of comparing credit card offers easy for the consumer like

If you carry a balance on your credit card from month to month like many people do, switching to a card with a lower interest rate can save you hundreds of dollars in interest. If paying off your credit card debt is your goal, having your credit card balance on a low rate card will allow you to pay it off much faster than a higher rate card will. Many credit card companies even offer a 0% interest rate on balance transfers. This is a great way to get your credit card debt paid down without having to pay interest on it.

Even if you pay your credit card balance in full each month, having a low interest credit card can still be advantageous. We all hope that nothing will ever happen to negatively effect our financial situation but as the saying goes, you just never know. Having a low interest credit card in your wallet can serve as a safety net if something should ever happen that would not allow you to pay off your balance every month.

Having a low interest credit card can help your financial situation, whatever it may be.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the authors bio paragraph at the bottom of this article is included, the article is published "as is" (unedited) and all URL's are made active hyperlinks with no syntax changes.

This article was written by Beth Pardue who has over 10 years of experience in the financial industry assisting clients with assorted financial needs. To learn more about credit cards or to apply for a credit card online please visit:


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