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 Mastering Bum Marketing - 5 Types Of Killer Articles You Can Write
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Author Topic: Mastering Bum Marketing - 5 Types Of Killer Articles You Can Write  (Read 1856 times)
Mark David
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Mastering Bum Marketing - 5 Types Of Killer Articles You Can Write
« Posted: October 15, 2007, 02:23:04 PM »

Mastering Bum Marketing - 5 Types Of Killer Articles You Can Write For Instant Results

First of all, what is Bum Marketing? Well, it?s a method of writing information rich articles with the aim of selling affiliate products by the truckload. Now that the definition is out of the way, let?s look at 5 types of Bum Marketing articles you can write for automatic affiliate profits:

1. Step-By-Step article

A step-by-step article is often easy to write. Just write your steps down and write a few short sentences for each of them. Step-by-step articles are also to read and follow.

2. How To article

People search on the Internet everyday looking for ways to do things. If you can get a ?how to? article on the top of Google for a popular search term, your article will get tons of traffic! This method can often be combined with the ?Step-By-Step? method.

3. Story article

Stories sell. If you have a good story to tell that has a moral to it, you can write an article about it and your readers might learn something and be inspired to take action.

4. Secrets article

Do you know something that most of your friends don?t? Then you possess some secrets. Not everyone is an expert on everything, so you can share your expertise and secrets by writing an article. For example, you can write an article about some professional techniques for hitting a golf ball.

5. Resource article

Resource lists always make for great articles. And they are easy to write! You can create resource lists for just about anything, ranging from web hosting services to the best freelancing sites.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it?s gone!


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