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 Cell Phones for Children- 4 Options
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Shawn Tracer
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Cell Phones for Children- 4 Options
« Posted: March 06, 2008, 02:55:28 PM »

Cell Phones for Children- 4 Options
 by: Emi Light

There was a time that many parents balked at the idea of buying their child a cell phone. Fortunately, many now see that cell phones are the best way for your busy kids to contact you and for you to keep tabs on them. How do you choose which cell phone to buy them with all of the great options out there?

It is important that you do your research and think about the needs of your child as well as what you want out of the phone. All of the companies claim to have a superior product, but you should do a little digging in order to see beyond the hype. There are several brands to choose from. Some of the most popular include:

Firefly Phones
Kajeet Phones
LG Migo
Leapfrog’s Tic Talk phone.

Firefly Phones

The Firefly cell phone is a great option. It is very simple to use because it actually doesn’t have a camera, MP3 player, or video. This phone doesn’t weigh very much as a direct result of losing those features. This will be a relief for many kids and parents as we are used to having to carry quite a bit for our busy lives.

The Firefly kid’s cell phone has a neat display screen that will show how much battery power is left as well as the signal strength that is available. For those parents who are worried about their children answering from unknown callers, phone number ID is displayed for incoming calls.

Your kids may not care so much about the actually functionality of the phone, but they’ll all want their Firefly mobile phone to look cool. There are some neat color skins that you can purchase for your kids to instantly change the look of their cell phone.

The Firefly kids cell phone is a wonderful option for you if you want to have a lot of control over the phone calls your children make and receive. There is no need to worry that your child will spend hours and hours talking on their phone. Parents can control who can call in. This function offers a great piece of mind.

Despite those great features, there are many people who will not be happy with the Firefly prepaid phone. It is missing many of the “cool” features your children have come to appreciate and enjoy. There is no way to organize the phone or send text messages.

Kajeet Phones

Another phone you may want to consider is from Kajeet phones. This phone is unique in that it was designed by parents and beta tested by kids.

Many parents who’ve tested this phone have been very impressed with all that it offers. It can be very dangerous to just give your child a regular cell phone. With regular phones they can call anyone and receive calls from anyone. Kajeet phones really helps to eliminate this problem.

With this phone you can set whom your kids can call. This is important if you don’t want them wasting away their minutes on calling friends for hours on end. Another neat feature is the ability to set the hours when your children can make phone calls.

There are some children who will try and sneak in calls here and there at school. With Kajeet phones you can allow them to call home and 911, but block all other calls during the school day.

Another great feature is that you can give your children a phone allowance. They may miss the ability to buy ringtones and other “fun” things. With Kajeet phone’s cell phone allowance they will have the ability to buy these things if you want them to. Once they’ve spent their allotment, they cannot spend any more money until you’re ready for them to.

Kajeet phones are neat because they’ve really listened to their target audience and their parents. Even a quick visit to their website show that they really do pay attention to what kids in this day and age need and want.

LG Migo Phone

The LG Migo phone is another option in the world of cell phones for kids. It is a bright green color that will immediately attract children who want a cool looking phone to impress their friends. This phone is geared towards a slightly younger audience, which is something to keep in mind.

The phone has five speed dial buttons that you can program. This is a great option for younger children who are unable to remember phone numbers.

LG Migo also has a Chaperone service that is ideal for parents. The system acts as a kind of GPS device. You set the boundaries that are ok for your child to be in. If they leave that area your phone will be notified with a text message. This is something to keep in mind for safe use of cell phones for children

Leapfrog’s TicTalk Phone

Another entry into the world of cell phones for children is Leapfrog’s Tic Talk phone. The TicTalk phone is probably one of the most unique looking cell phones out there. It looks a bit like a stopwatch and is very durable. This is a good model for parents who are worried that their children will immediately break the phone. Leapfrog’s TicTalk phone should stand up to even the most active of children.

The TicTalk works by scrolling through numbers in a phonebook. There is no dialing involved for the child. This may or may not be easy to get used to, but can actually be quite convenient once they learn the ropes.

Parents set the actual phone up online. This is a great way to add convenience for those who prefer the simplicity of typing online.

Kids will want to scoop Leapfrog’s TicTalk phone up because it has games on it that are pre-installed by Leapfrog. The phone is overall more full featured than some other cell phones for kids that are available today.

How Should I Choose?

There are many different cell phones for children that are on the market today. It is up to you and your child to decide which features are the most valuable to you. Your first priority should be the safe use of cell phones for children. Then, pick the best option for your family.

About The Author
Emi Light

For more info on technology for children (including where to find great discounts), visit and


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