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 Sharing the Apple iPod
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Author Topic: Sharing the Apple iPod  (Read 646 times)
Shawn Tracer
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Sharing the Apple iPod
« Posted: March 06, 2008, 01:41:46 PM »

Sharing the Apple iPod
 by: Ned Roberts

The iPod, while standing as a technological marvel, perhaps will ultimately claim its place in history as a connector of societies and people.Yes, everyone knows and appreciates the fact that the iPod, or one of the other versions of the iPod, such as the iPod Nano can store, list and play hundreds, if not thousands of songs. The iPod's most powerful ability is the one that brings people together. The Apple iPod will never bring world peace, but it may bring together two strangers.When an iPod user sees another iPod user, a bond is created. Those ubiquitous white ear buds are more than just something that delivers music from the player to the listener.The ear buds act as the symbol and insignia of the iPod revolution.The iPod has something unique that can't really be translated into other forms of portable technology.The iPod is both personal and shared; everyone has an iPod story, or they accessorize their iPod in a certain manner. And, most important of all, many iPod owners and users are dying to either share the music on their iPod with a fellow iPod user, or is interested in listening to what's on someone else's iPod.

There are instances where people ask other iPod users 'what are you listening to on your iPod?' The Apple iPod Nano has a common element that isn't found in a Walk man, Disc man or a Blackberry. It is inconceivable that someone would walk up to a Blackberry user and inquire about the phone list that they have stored. Granted, a phone list is to be more protected than a music play list, but song selection is much more personal than the phone number of your hairstylist.

Seeing someone else with an iPod can sometimes create a sense of comraderie. The Apple iPod is, without question, the world's most popular portable music player. However, even though it has and enjoys tremendous popularity, not everyone has an iPod. And you can't really understand the iPod culture until you actually own an iPod.The Apple iPod is truly unique and stands alone in terms of appearance, design and accessories.And once you become a member of the iPod family, you want to meet all of your relatives. And you also want to share, and have music, shared with you.

Will the iPod open the lines of communication around the world and get people talking, listening and sharing? No, it won't do that, unfortunately. But, what it can do is that it can introduce iPod listener A to iPod listener B and exchange music, ideas, and maybe even an email address or two. Think about it: if you were in a foreign country, and wanted to know what was popular among the youth of said country, the best way to do so would be to listen to the music of the land. And, depending on your demeanor, most people with an Apple iPod Nano would be receptive to sharing their music with you. That doesn't mean running up to someone like a madman, trying to shove your ear buds into their skull. Rather, simply introduce yourself and your purpose, and you may find someone who is on the same mission as you!

About The Author
Ned Roberts loves his iPod. Visit for great deals on the iPod.


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