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 Ten Sure Fire Signs You're An Internet Marketing Junkie
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Author Topic: Ten Sure Fire Signs You're An Internet Marketing Junkie  (Read 1027 times)
Stephen Taylor
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Ten Sure Fire Signs You're An Internet Marketing Junkie
« Posted: July 16, 2007, 01:08:11 PM »

Does Internet Marketing success continue to elude you, even though you spend most of your waking hours thinking about it?

Maybe, just maybe, you're an Internet Marketing junkie - hooked on Internet Marketing, but unable to get past the wishful thinking stage.

Do you want to find out? If so, if you really want to know, take the test that follows. But a word of caution first - if you can't handle the truth, don't waste your time! The test only works if you don't cheat, so be brutally honest with your answers, and your scoring.

Ready, set, go!

   1. you rush to your computer first thing, even before brushing your teeth, to check for any new 'pre- launch' of the latest greatest hottest internet marketing secret tip, trick or technique

   2. you check your email 108 times a day

   3. you have 3,678 unread email sitting in your 'in' basket, which you plan to get around to one day because there may be something in them you can use

   4. you subscribe for every new free ecourse, newsletter or membership site that offers insider information and products for creating wealth online, but rarely open them

   5. your heart races wildly as you make your way through the list of bonuses you will get, 'FR*EE', just for whipping out your credit card and subscribing for that amazing new system (no, it isn't MLM) that's going to put money into your account in your sleep, guaranteed

   6. you convince yourself before hitting the 'PayPal' button that this will be the last product you ever need to download because this one is different from all the others

   7. you discovered, at least once, that the hot new product you just paid for and downloaded was already on your hard drive, because you had bought and paid for it two months ago but hadn't gotten around to opening it yet

   8. you try to hide the big boxes of tapes and books you ordered online so your spouse or significant other won't see what you've been up to

   9. you dread the 29th of the month because you know that's the day your VISA bill arrives and your spouse or significant other will discover, again, that you are an idiot

  10. you live in hope that one day, somehow, you will actually make your first dollar on the Internet

Now, were you brutally honest? If not, shame on you, and remember, it's only you who you hurt with such trickery and self deception! But if you were brave enough to be honest, go ahead now and add up the number of times you silently nodded your head as you read the ten part test.

OK, how did you score?

A score of zero nods means you pass.

But a score of any number greater than zero means you have a problem. Yes, I'm sorry but even a single nod of the head means 'yes', you're hooked. It's harsh - but it's reality.

OK, now that you know the naked truth, what can you do about it?

The first step to recovery is to admit your addiction. Honestly.

You'll recognize an honest admission because it's usually accompanied by some light headedness or perhaps even a mild sense of euphoria. Both will be temporary, and when they go away you will be tempted to fall back into your old patterns of behavior and trickery.

Please, don't let that happen. Instead, promise yourself to do whatever you must to achieve a full and lasting recovery from this debilitating condition. The rewards will be worth it! Peace of mind. Money in the bank. Income from the Internet. Imagine!

But here's the thing. Don't even think about going it alone - you need help. Plug yourself into a solid support group without delay. Good support will keep you on the straight and narrow while you figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life on the Internet. And more.

With good support, soon you'll come face to face with whatever is sabotaging your internet marketing success. And that's a good thing - because by then, you're going to be ready for it. Ready to go over, or around, or under or straight through any of those self-imposed barriers that have been holding you back.

Bring it on!

Duncan Boan is a reformed Internet Marketing junkie, and former saboteur of his own marketing efforts. Crediting much of his recent Internet success to mentorship from a group of Internet professionals, Duncan has turned his Internet attention to helping others add to their internet marketing success. You can reach duncan at [email protected]


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