LISTENING SKILLS: Tips for Effective Listening
IMPORTANCE OF LISTENING:Listening Skill is more important to speaking skill. Transaction is never complete if you speak only. Listening is not merely hearing, it is more than hearing. Effective listening helps you in grasping the topic of discussion quickly and thus helping in effective communication.
The Art of Listening requires complete involvement of mind, body and soul. Listening skill like other skills can be learnt and acquired. Listen more than you speak makes you more acceptable.
TIPS FOR EFFECTIVE LISTENING:Hearing means to catch what the speaker speaks. Listening is about catching not only the word but the meaning behind it.
5 Basic Tips for being a Good Listener:
• GIVE YOUR FULL ATTENTION: This can only be done if you give value to others. Make full eye contact. Don’t see on your watch or your cell phone. Keep away all the obstacles and distractions.
• DO NOT TALK BEFORE SPEAKER FINISHES: Let speaker talks first. He will appreciate you if you do not interrupt his talks. Interruption means you are not interested in his talks.
• DO NOT THINK IN BETWEEN: Thinking in between also carries your mind somewhere else.
• ASK QUESTIONS: Asking questions definitely shows your interest in speaker. Ask him to clear all the things you could not understand. Any one will feel pleasure to repeat his view point.
• DO NOT JUMP THE MATTER: Don’t try to think beyond the spoken words. This you can avoid by not making any opinion or conclusions in between.
There are various types of Listening like Active Listening, Reflective Listening, etc. To get ahead of others, you should practice listening skills through listening activity. Various types of listening exercise are available online to learn listening skills easily.