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 Methods to build links.
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Author Topic: Methods to build links.  (Read 1653 times)
Stephen Taylor
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Methods to build links.
« Posted: July 16, 2007, 03:04:10 PM »

Link building is an important part of your SEO campaign. Building good quality links will help your website to gain top positioning in search engines There are two kinds of links
1, Reciprocal links
2, Inbound or One-way links.

Reciprocal link building

When a owner of another website places a link to your website on his site and you in return place a link to his website on your own website a reciprocal link is established.
It is an agreement made between 2 website owners to place exchange links.

How to build reciprocal links?

Step 1
List out websites with good page rank which are related to your own website.
Along with their URL, e-mail ID , Title and description. These details will help you at a later stage to make link requests.

E-mail each of the website owners from your list stating that you have visited their website and interested to exchange links with them. Mention the details about your own website also in this mail. Like the title , URL and the description.

Wait for the website owners to respond to your e-mail. Once you receive a positive response from any of the webmasters add their link to your website and checkout if the webmaster of the other site has added your link to their website.

Points to consider while going in for reciprocal link exchange.

1, Do not exchange links with websites which is only crowded with links and has no content at all. This kind of websites are called link farms. Links from links farm spoil your ranking on search engines.

2, Exchange links with websites which has a Page rank higher than the page rank of the website of your own.

3, The content of the website you are reciprocating should be related to the website content of yours.

4, The links page of the website you are considering to exchange links should have a link to their links page from their home page.

5, Never exchange links with porn websites, Casio websites, Drug websites, and illegal websites because search engines may penalize your website for exchanging links with illegal websites.

6, Provide minimum of two weeks time for the webmasters of other websites to place your link on their website. Because webmasters of good quality sites are busy people.

Inbound links

Inbound links are also called as one-way links. Links pointing out to your website from other websites are called one-way links. This kind of links are given more importance by the search engines. It is good to obtain as many one-way links as possible to climb up on search engines.

Methods to build inbound links:

Directory submission:
Submit your website to directories which list your website on their listings.
There are hundreds of free directories available on the net which provide one way links. While making directory submissions choose the most appropriate category to which your website belongs this way you increase the chance of your website link being published in the directories.

Article submissions:
Write useful articles related to the services or products you sell through your website. Do not for get to place text links on these articles pointing out to your website. The text on the link should be a keyword which best suits your website. There are chances that net browsers like to your article or place your article on their website with a link to your website or directly link to your article. This way articles bring in a lot of traffic to your website.

Software submission:
There are many websites on the net which accept software submissions. If your company has come up with an software you can submit these to the software directories with a download url on your website. This another good way to build one way links.

Press release submission:
When you launch a new offer or any special event is organized in your company you can write about these and submit to the various websites on the net that accepts news. Or you can make a generous donation to the needful and write an article describing the help you have done to others and submit it to the press release websites.

Participate in forums:
There are many forums on the net for every category. Each forum is meant for a particular topic. Choose a forum which discusses topics related to your website and participate in the forum by contributing useful information when ever you make a signature make sure you include a link to your website.

Create blogs:
Create a blog of your own and update the content of the blog frequently this way people will become regular visitors of your blog and place a link to your actual website on the blog and naturally people will start visiting your website too. Search engines give lot of importance to blogs because they contain fresh updated content. You can also submit the RSS feed of your blog to search engines and RSS Directories.

Above mentioned are the 6 best methods to build one way links to your website and drive more traffic naturally. One way links also help your website to get on top 10 rankings on all major search engines.

Best of luck on building good links to your website.

Adrian McLean is the founder and Search Engine Marketing Consultant for
(, a Search Engine Optimising company based in the UK. Visit to have your web analysed.


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