How To Build Ebay Feedback Quickly
by: Tradeco Admin
Presented by a new ebay member, you will have no feedback. This can affect your credibility with both buyers and sellers.
Furthermore, you are prevented from listing items with “Buy it now” or as a “Featured Plus” listing, until you have a feedback score of 10 or more.
To build your feedback, you could battle through the early days, doing business as usual, with feedback increasing every time you make a sale or purchase. However, as a new ebayer, this could take some time, unless you have a lot of money to spend, or extremely lucky in having “hot” items to sell.
There is a quicker way.
If you do an advanced search, and put ebook in the keyword field and specify a max price of 0.01, you are likely to get several hundred items back.
Here’s how to get feedback quickly. It may cost you a couple of pounbds, but it’s worth it.
Buy as many of these penny ebooks as you want feedback. You will need to select items from different sellers (as 2 feedbacks from 1 seller only counts scores 1). You should also choose sellers who accept paypal – that way you can pay immediately. Leave the seller positive feedback (regardless of what you think of their item).
Once you’ve purchased and paid for the item, you can send a polite message to the seller asking that they leave positive feedback, as you paid promptly.
Not all the sellers will leave feedback, but you should be able to build your own feedback to a good level for just a coupe of pounds (or dollars).
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