In the mid- to late-60s, schoolchildren were taught that we'd have so much leisure time in the future that we'd have to come up with a plan on how to spend it wisely. I seems that the sixties futurists were wrong. Instead of slowing down, we've sped up. This isn't bad for ADD people because they go at this pace 24/7 anyway, and it seems like it's more 28/7, right? And that's great, as long as we're doing something we like to do, that's fun for us. However, while we're concentrating on stuff we like to do, the stuff we hate to do is being neglected.
This happens for everyone, regardless of whether they're ADD or not. But we ADD-ers have a really good rationalization skill that tells us, we'll do it later. What that really means is, "I'm going to close my eyes and hope that it goes away."
Well, it won't, and the first thing you need to decide is whether it's something you really need to do or just something that people think you "should" do. Some of that is just dumb. I mean, you "should" tie your shoes. Aside from looking neat and tidy, it helps you to keep from tripping. But is it really that important? I mean, if you like your shoes untied and you're not putting yourself or someone else in danger, do you need to tie your shoes? No. But if you've stumbled around the house and were late for work every morning because you can't find your glasses, then you have a problem with a messy house.
In this case, it's a need, not a want, and not something that other people think you "should" do.
The easiest ADD solution is to hire someone to take care of the mess for you--a housekeeper. But if it's too nasty, they won't want to handle it, either. You may have to call in an efficiency expert first to get things under control and then, a housekeeper to keep them that way, even when you mess them up.
But if you're on a tight budget, you probably can't hire anyone to do these things for you. You have to do them yourself. And wherever will you find the energy?
Simple. Don't try to do things all at once. Start by taking five minutes a day. It's amazing what you can do in that short span of time. For instance, do you have a desk drawer that's overflowing with bills, things that need taken care of, your checkbook, etc. Take five minutes and clean out that drawer. To make sure it's only 5 minutes, set a timer. If you aren't finished when the timer goes off, stop. Don't allow yourself to go any further, no matter how far into the task you've gotten.
This technique will help you to avoid the procrastination because everyone can do just about anything they hate to do for 5 minutes. And because you know it will only be 5 minutes, you won't be too concerned about taking the time from something else that you see as much more important. You won't be avoiding it, either, if you set yourself up to do this every single day, right after breakfast. When you've finished the drawer, move to the top of your desk, the top of the dresser, the living room floor, and so on. If you do this every day for 5 minutes, you'll clean it all up.
Maintenance is the key, and if you set up some ADD-friendly systems while you're doing your 5-minute routine, it will all work out well. If you lose your contact lenses case and just can't seem to keep it in the bathroom medicine cabinet, put a small dish or container right beside where you take them out at night and throw them in there. Or keep your car keys in a basket or on a hook right next to the front door. Have a hook for your purse, too, or a tray on the dresser where you can toss your wallet.
The whole point is that people with ADD don't like complications in life. So, make things as easy for yourself as possible. Opening a drawer might be too much for some of us. So, think openness, where things can just be tossed, rather than "put away."
But we're human and can easily fall back into our old habits of disorganization. If that happens, or the minute you suspect it's happening, go back to the 5-miute-a-day routine, and get it back under control. You'll be glad you did. You won't be running around screaming,"Where's my stuff?" again.
Tellman Knudson, CEO of Overcome Everything, Inc., is a certified hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner, who has coached many ADD clients to greater happiness. Get instant access to his free weekly ADD Success Tips at