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 Computer Training - Choosing The Right Operating System
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Daniel Franklin
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Computer Training - Choosing The Right Operating System
« Posted: September 23, 2007, 01:03:00 PM »

Choosing an operating system for a personal computer can be a difficult decision considering the wide variety available today. Nobody wants to purchase expensive software and then find out that they dislike the software and realize they have made a mistake. There are some free operating systems available now, but those have faults just like most other operating systems. Another factor in choosing the right "OS" is whether or not the user is experienced or not. You must always consider the specifications on your computer as well. When you purchase a retail computer from a store such as Best Buy, they all come with Microsoft products and you really don't have much of a choice. Some versions of Linux are popular enough to be purchased at stores such as Best Buy, but are never included with a purchased PC. To obtain the operating system you want, you will probably have to visit another computer store or to go online and search for it. Although Microsoft supports other operating systems besides Windows XP, they are not readily accessible to buy at a lot of stores.

If someone is considering using a free operating system, then just understand that there might be limited support and the interface might be for the advanced user. Free software might have little or no security updates on a regular basis. When choosing what "OS" is right for you, you must decide if you are looking for something with open source-code. The open source operating system would usually be for programmers looking to change the "OS" to fit their liking. If you are using an old computer with low-end specifications, you might want to try a free "OS", Unix, or perhaps even some variations of Linux. Someone with a high-end computer doesn't need to worry about this problem.

Microsoft currently offers a couple of supported operating systems, which include Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Windows XP is a good choice for someone who wants a very friendly user interface. This would be a good decision for those that are new to operating a PC and want the experience to be easier for them. Some do not enjoy the user-friendly interface and would like to have more advanced control over their "OS". Windows XP has security updates quite often as well as Windows 2000. Windows 2000 is possibly a mix between Windows 98 and Windows XP. Windows 2000 offers the user more advanced control over the operating system and has an interface similar to Windows 98 or Millennium. While Microsoft offers a friendly interface, most Linux operating systems offer a more advanced approach. Some versions of Linux are open source and can be modified if you are knowledgeable in programming.

Keeping all of this in mind, one should be able to choose which road they wish to go down. If you are more interested in a graphical interface than anything else, it is suggested you choose Windows XP like the majority of PC users today. Windows XP is most commonly used because Microsoft is pretty much forcing everyone to. If you are in the mood to try something else, go to the store and purchase Red Hat Linux.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Computer Training


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