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 Professions in Photography
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Author Topic: Professions in Photography  (Read 3847 times)
Mark David
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Professions in Photography
« Posted: October 07, 2007, 10:52:15 AM »

Professions in Photography

Photography is an artistic skill adopted by some as a hobby while as a professional job by others. It is not only a specialized skill, but can also be a profitable one as well. Professional photographers capture amazing moments of our lives, and some gain a following of fascinated viewers over their great pictures. They display their work in newspapers, art galleries, and leading magazines.

Professional photographers nowadays have excelled to the point of providing great development to both the world of media and digital photography. Many have "stumbled" into it as a profession only because of its commercial value, such as photographers who are hired to take pictures of weddings, birthdays, graduations and other memorable life events.

Though potentially a profitable profession, photography is not just a skill learned through training, but the really creative ones tend to have a natural talent as well. Despite that, it is still important to learn different techniques to achieve good photography results. Learning different skills also complements and enhances natural talent.

Below are some optional fields for those who might pursue photography as a profession:

1. Advertising is a good area where a photographer is hired to provide photographs of market specific materials such as promotional brochures, catalogs, and annual reports.

2. You navigate through the bio-medical field. In this specialization, a photographer produces illustrations of different images related to medicine.

3. Digital imaging firms provide another source of photography needs.

4. Setting up a photo laboratory and studio is a possibility. You can use it to produce printed digital photos. This also helps you learn to manage equipment. From this experience, you will be able to provide services in other commercial studios, including schools located close to you.

5. You can find a job in the entertainment industry where a photographer takes on-set shots for various projects.

6. You might consider opening an art gallery where you allow other photographers to exhibit their work along side of yours.

7. Specialization in photojournalism. You can post your work on human interests, nature, behavior, etc. in magazines and newspapers.

8. Image editing and archiving are skills that can be learned as a profession. For example, you might catalog photographs in city libraries and even in schools. You can also become a photograph editor for some online web sites related to imaging.

9. Another means of earning an income is through portraiture. In this photographic profession, you typically earn commissions through public engagements and other commissioned works.

For those interested in a photography profession, the earnings potential is high. However, that projection is tempered by the fact that the photographer needs to develop expertise and a significant depth of understanding in the technology of this field.

Many beginners receive good advice from experts or mentors and religiously adhere to it. Others learn primarily through training and practice on their own. The best way to decide which specialized field to pursue is to tap into available professional resources who can provide details and clarity to your inquiries.

For practical photography & camera information, please visit, a popular site providing great insights about photography training, camera types, and more.


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