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1  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Key Research on Technologies for Parkinson’s Disease Management Published in IEE on: November 02, 2015, 04:50:09 PM
London, United Kingdom, 2nd November 2015 – The latest technology advances for the clinical management of Parkinson’s disease are explored in cutting-edge research published today by the IEEE’s Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI).  Authored by distinguished researchers in the field, the papers of the Special Issue on “Enabling Technologies for Parkinson’s Disease Management” are available to download now from the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library via

Parkinson’s disease is the most common neurological movement disorder, with a prevalence of up to 2% in the elderly. The new research published in this Special issue represents the edge between the current technical abilities of engineering solutions and clinical applications for the management of Parkinson’s disease, spanning wearable technologies and the Internet of Things, body sensor networks and smart home techniques.

Clinical assessments throughout the course of Parkinson’s disease consume substantial resources and repeated assessments are generally impractical. Most techniques only provide a snap-shot of the patients’ daily life impairments rather than the progression of the disease and efficacy of treatment.  From a clinical perspective, sensor-based movement diagnostics offers significant benefits. Sensor-based diagnostics can be conducted remotely in free-living environments, thus improving assessment quality and allowing continuous quantitative assessment.  The ability to continuously analyse motor movements during everyday living creates the potential for unobtrusive assessment and monitoring under real-life conditions. This objective information on quality of life and daily functioning could complement the diagnostic workup to greatly enhance disease management and address individual patients’ needs – while ultimately reducing healthcare costs.

Professor Guang-Zhong Yang PhD, FREng, Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE J-BHI comments: “The ability of engineering solutions to deliver early assessment, real-time monitoring, and better rehabilitation of Parkinson’s disease is a key emerging trend for the future successful management of this widespread condition. This special issue, which gathers together the pre-eminent researchers in the field, introduces a number of important new ideas and technologies, including the application of body sensor networks to aid diagnosis, monitoring and treatment for a wide variety of chronic neurologic and musculoskeletal disorders.”

The articles included in this Special Issue are: 

Body Sensor Network-based Kinematic Characterization and Comparative Outlook of UPDRS Scoring in Leg Agility, Sit-to-Stand, and Gait Tasks in Parkinson's Disease
Authors: Parisi, Federico; Ferrari, Gianluigi; Giuberti, Matteo; Contin, Laura; Cimolin, Veronica; Azzaro, Corrado; Albani, Giovanni; Mauro, Alessandro
Classification of Parkinson’s Disease Gait Using Spatial-Temporal Gait Features Authors: Wahid, Ferdous; Begg, Rezaul; Hass, Chris; Halgamuge, Saman; Ackland, David
Contribution of a Trunk Accelerometer System to the Characterization of Gait in Patients with Mild to Moderate Parkinson’s disease.
Authors: Demonceau, Marie; Donneau, Anne-Françoise; Croisier, Jean-Louis; Skawiniak, Eva; Boutaayamou, Mohamed; Maquet, Didier; Garraux, Gaëtan
A System for Real-Time Feedback to Improve Gait and Posture in Parkinsons Disease
Authors: Jellish, Jeremy; Abbas, James; Ingalls, Todd; Mahant, Padma; Samanta, Johan; Ospina, Maria; Krishnamurthi, Narayanan
Characterization Methods for the Detection of Multiple Voice Disorders: Neurological, Functional, and Organic Diseases
Authors: Orozco-Arroyave, Juan; Belalcázar-Bolaños, Elkyn; Arias-Londoño, Julián; Vargas-Bonilla, Jesús; Skodda, Sabine; Rusz, Jan; Hönig, Florian; Daqrouq, Khaled; Nöth, Elmar
Validity and responsiveness of at-home touch-screen assessments in advanced Parkinson’s disease
Authors: Memedi, Mevludin; Nyholm, Dag; Johansson, Anders; Pålhagen, Sven; Willows, Thomas; Widner, Håkan; Linder, Jan; Westin, Jerker
A Smartphone-based Tool for Assessing Parkinsonian Hand Tremor
Authors: Kostikis, Nikolaos; Hristu-Varsakelis, Dimitrios; Arnaoutoglou, Marianthi; Kotsavasiloglou, Christos
Prediction of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's from Physiological Wearables: An Exploratory Study
Authors: Mazilu, Sinziana; Calatroni, Alberto; Gazit, Eran; Mirelman, Anat; Hausdorff, Jeffrey; Troester, Gerhard
Dual Motor-Cognitive Virtual Reality Training Impacts Dual-Task Performance in Freezing of Gait
Authors: Killane, Isabelle; Fearon, Conor; Newman, Louise; McDonnell, Conor; Waechter, Saskia; Sons, Kristian; Lynch, Timothy; Reilly, Richard
What Engineering Technology Could Do for Quality of Life in Parkinsons Disease: a Review of Current Needs and Opportunities
Authors: Stamford, Jon; Schmidt, Peter; Friedl, Karl
An Emerging Era in the Management of Parkinsons disease: Wearable Technologies and the Internet of Things
Authors: Pasluosta, Cristian; Gassner, Heiko; Winkler, Juergen; Klucken, Jochen; Eskofier, Bjoern
Analyzing Activity Behavior and Movement in a Naturalistic Environment using Smart Home Techniques
Authors: Cook, Diane; Dawadi, Prafulla; Schmitter-Edgecombe, Maureen

--- Ends ---

 Notes to editors:
About the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics: 
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI) publishes original papers describing recent advances in the field of biomedical and health informatics where information and communication technologies intersect with health, healthcare, life sciences and biomedicine. Papers must contain original content in theoretical analysis, methods, technical development, and/or novel clinical applications of information systems.

 The J-BHI is one of the leading journals in computer science and information systems with a strong interdisciplinary focus and biomedical and health application emphasis. Topics covered by J-BHI include, but are not limited to: acquisition, transmission, storage, retrieval, management, processing and analysis of biomedical and health information; applications of information and communication technologies to the practice of healthcare, personal well-being, preventive care and early diagnosis of diseases, and discovery of new therapies and patient specific treatment protocols; and integration of electronic medical and health records, methods of longitudinal data analysis, data mining and knowledge discovery tools.

The IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society:
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) is the world’s largest and oldest biomedical engineering organization. It has over 9,800 members and 1,900 student members worldwide. The Society benefits both humanity and its members by:

Advancing medicine and biology through the application of engineering sciences and technology
Promoting the profession of biomedical engineering, fostering professional development and recognizing excellence
Presenting conferences that bring together scientists, engineers and physicians from multiple disciplines to disseminate knowledge and solve complex problems
Establishing technical standards
Providing global leadership for the profession

EMBS members are focused on the development and application of engineering concepts and methods to provide new solutions to biological, medical and healthcare problems. The Society identifies and recognizes the accomplishments and technological excellence of its members. It helps to demonstrate to the world and educate the public about the importance of biomedical engineering while creating interest in the profession as a career.

Nicky Denovan
Email: nicky
  • evokedset[dot]com
Mobile: +44 (0)7747 017654

Distributed on behalf of EvokedSet Ltd by NeonDrum news distribution service (
2  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Global Cloud Solution Provider, Ormuco, today announces it has selected Olympus. on: October 28, 2015, 04:08:02 PM
London, UK, 28th October 2015 - Ormuco today announces it has chosen as its file sharing partner.  The partnership will allow Ormuco to deliver both public and managed private cloud file sharing to its customers.  Now customers will no longer have to release control of their sensitive corporate data in order to enjoy the benefits and ease of use of popular file sharing applications.  Additionally, customers will have the unique opportunity to brand and resell the service as they wish.  The simplicity of the platform allows customers to implement their own private cloud within the data centre of their choice, either locally on premises or in any cloud combination.

Orlando Bayter, CEO of Ormuco, commented; “Ormuco selected to offer our rapidly growing customer base a file sharing solution that goes beyond public cloud offerings. offers detailed customisation features and the ability to deploy in a private, hybrid or public implementation “on demand” to give our customers complete control over their data and ease of use.  It is the best of both worlds to combine the usability of a consumer offering but with the data protection of a private cloud”.

“We are extremely proud to announce a flagship file sharing offering with Ormuco, a leading service provider to corporate customers throughout the world,” said Victoria Coniglio McKinney, CEO of  “This new file sharing service will enable a level of data control and flexibility that enterprises have been seeking but so far has been unavailable in the market.  CIOs can be reassured knowing where their sensitive corporate data is at all times, and employees can enjoy the ease of use of consumer apps.”

Ormuco, an HP Helion Network charter member, offers a cloud services platform for service providers, ISVs and businesses around the globe. With nodes in Canada, U.S., EMEA and soon, LATAM and Japan, it is rapidly building a global network of cloud services to service both local data requirements as well as global, multinational companies., the industry’s leading wholesale file sharing solution, offers white label file sharing software to service providers and application owners alike on a private, hybrid or public cloud basis.  The solution addresses security issues by never requiring the customer to relinquish their data and gives them the freedom to place and move their workloads easily from one cloud to another to take advantage of the best market prices and ride the cloud economics cost curve.

Notes to editor;

About Ormuco:

Headquarters:  Montreal, QC, Canada
Ormuco began as a licensed telecommunications service provider. Today, as an HP Helion Network charter member, Ormuco offers a cloud services platform for service providers, ISVs and businesses around the globe. It currently has nodes in Canada, U.S., EMEA and soon, LATAM and Japan and is rapidly building a global network of cloud services to service both local data requirements as well as global, multinational companies.

Ormuco has unrivalled ability to offer both private managed and virtual private cloud services with the facility to burst into public cloud in a single architecture and can uniquely address the demands for the highest service levels and security requirements during production and test/development workloads.

 For media enquiries please contact: Tina Stanley, Tina Stanley & Associates PR [email protected]  or phone +44 1491 410250 or +44 7909 967 657


Headquarters:  Los Gatos, CA, USA
For media enquiries please contact [email protected] or call 800-928-7560 launched in 2013 with the vision of incorporating the best of content collaboration with a simple user experience, branded by anyone and sold at wholesale. Its mission is to transform the market for file sharing and collaboration for service providers and application owners alike.   Headquartered in Silicon Valley, CA, and with offices in Austin, TX and India, develops modular software that can be rapidly deployed either as SaaS or on premise solution.

For further information please contact:
Tina Stanley
01491 410250
[email protected]
Distributed on behalf of TSA PR by NeonDrum news distribution service (
3  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Secure airspace management for small drones is here - RelmaTech's SIAM solves sa on: October 21, 2015, 04:00:16 PM
London, October 5, 2015 – Near collisions with commercial aircraft and numerous other incidents involving Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems – commonly known as drones – have become major problems for regulators and the emerging drone industry.

Recent examples include drones disrupting the U.S. Open tennis tournament in New York, drones interfering with fire fighters in California and drones being used to smuggle contraband into U.S. prisons. All received widespread news coverage, as did the earlier episode when an out-of-control drone penetrated the security perimeter of the White House.

Such incidents will soon be a rarity when RelmaTech’s Secure Integrated Airspace Management system – SIAM – is adopted and deployed, according to Philip Hall, RelmaTech’s Founding Director and CEO.

Patent Filing and Engagement with Regulators
SIAM offers a viable and robust solution to the critical issues confronting regulators and manufacturers responsible for ensuring the safety of low-flying Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). According to Hall, RelmaTech has initiated patent filing for SIAM and is now actively engaged in advising international regulatory bodies and major industry organizations of the system’s impressive operational potential. “We have advised the International Civil Aviation Organisation RPAS Program Office in Montreal, and earlier this month conducted briefings to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration in Washington DC and the UK Civil Aviation Authority in London. Those meetings were very positive with commitments for further discussions and demonstration of system capabilities.”

About SIAM
“SIAM represents an innovative integration of proven technologies and concepts used in civil aviation, online and mobile communications and information management,” Hall says. “It works in concert with existing transportation systems to ensure that small RPAS operations are safe for the full range of potential users – personal, commercial, institutional, corporate, government, civil service, national security and defence.”
SIAM, which uses state-of-the-art technologies to provide the ability to establish and enforce permanent and temporary No Fly Zones and to interface with control systems designed to simultaneously operate multiple RPAS, has been successfully migrated onto a Tier 1 global information technology and data management infrastructure.

“With SIAM, RPAS operators and aircraft can be identified and their permissions verified – and, where necessary, restricted,” Hall adds. “SIAM can determine whether the flight to be undertaken is restricted to Line of Sight or permitted for Beyond Line of Sight, and then oversee the flight accordingly. These and other capabilities, including separation assurance and collision warning, ensure that RPAS can be safely operated within an integrated managed airspace, making SIAM the enabler the drone industry has been waiting for.”

About RelmaTech
RelmaTech Limited is a UK-based company specialising in the development and operation of integrated technology-based solutions that provide for the safe and secure management of autonomous land, marine and air vehicle operations. RelmaTech has representation in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia.
Media Contacts:
Philip Hall
Founding Director and CEO
RelmaTech Limited (UK)
UK +44 (0)20 8144 6021, USA +1 734-385-4321, Australia +61 (0)2 6100 8585
[email protected]

For further information please contact:
Simon Brown,[email protected], 07717731569
Distributed on behalf of RelmaTech by NeonDrum news distribution service (
4  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / TWAIN Working Group and PDF Association announce partnership on: October 20, 2015, 06:46:30 PM
Raleigh, NC, Berlin, 20th October 2015 – The TWAIN Working Group (TWG), a not-for-profit organization designed to provide and foster a universal public standard which links applications and image acquisition devices, today announced its partnership with the PDF Association.

TWG and the PDF Association have agreed to work together in the coming months on refining a specification for PDF/Raster (PDF/R). PDF/R is a component of TWG’s TWAIN Direct™ initiative, a language/protocol that eliminates the need for users to install vendor specific drivers as communication between scanning devices and image capture software applications. TWAIN Direct addresses the need for something simple and direct that expedites application development and results in a feature-rich end user experience. TWAIN Direct supports direct network communication between mobile and desktop applications and scanning devices, including cloud platforms. New in the TWAIN Direct Specification is PDF/R, which provides image file format guidelines that can be implemented across a wide range of imaging devices. PDF/R is designed to be efficient to implement on any scanner, to be easy to parse by applications, and be 100% compatible with ISO-standardized PDF and PDF-consuming applications. As part of the partnership, the PDF Association will launch a Technical Working Group within its organization to create awareness about PDF/R, and provide review and input on the PDF/R specification from its members. The final specification may be used for ISO Fast Track submission.

Stated Pamela Doyle, Chair and CEO of the TWAIN Working Group, “We are excited to be partnering with the PDF Association on the development of the PDF/R specification. The TWAIN Direct language is designed to revolutionize how scanners and software communicate. PDF/R, an integral part of this language, provides the portability of PDF while offering the core functionality of TIFF. PDF/R is a strict subset of the ISO-standardized PDF file format for storing and transporting raster image documents, especially scanned documents. Who better than the PDF Association to help us further develop this specification and make it the very best we can offer to the scanning community? We expect the collaboration to provide the TWG with important information and guidance as we continue the specification development process.”
“We look forward to contributing to the development of the PDF/R specification and creating awareness of the specification among PDF Association members, in the imaging industry and to the general public,” said Duff Johnson, Executive Director of The PDF Association. “We are supportive of the TWAIN Direct initiative, and want to demonstrate that support through our collaboration with TWG on furthering the PDF/R specification. We look forward to a successful working relationship with TWG.”

About TWAIN Direct:
Derived from the proven TWAIN specification which currently enables more than 150 scanning device capabilities, TWAIN Direct eliminates the need for users to install vendor specific drivers as communication between scanning devices and image capture software applications. TWAIN Direct addresses the need for something simple and direct that expedites application development and results in a feature-rich end user experience, and it supports direct network communication between mobile and desktop applications and scanning devices, including cloud platforms. TWAIN’s introductory cloud initiative is based on the collaborative efforts of the TWAIN Working Group with the Google Cloud Print team, with TWAIN’s ultimate goal being to standardize and broaden cloud support. TWAIN Direct reduces development time from weeks to days, supports modern programming languages, and delivers a better user experience with a full feature set best suited for any application.

About The TWAIN Working Group:
The TWAIN Working Group, established in 1992, is a not-for-profit association of industry leaders who have gathered to create a standard that benefits the imaging industry as a whole. TWAIN's purpose is to provide and foster a universal public standard which links applications and image acquisition devices. The ongoing mission of this organization is to continue to enhance the standard to accommodate future technologies. TWAIN generates multiple opportunities for application developers and users to access information and broaden the standard; through a developers forum (, main website (, Wikipedia page and online self-certification process. Current Board members of the TWAIN Working Group include Atalasoft Inc., Avision Inc., ExactCODE GmbH, Fujitsu Computer Products of America Inc., InoTec GmbH Organisationssyteme, ObjectTWAIN, Inc., Kodak Alaris and Picture Elements. TWAIN Associate members include Ambir Technology, Dynamsoft, Epson and Hewlett Packard. More information, to include white paper and current specifications about TWAIN Direct and PDF/R can be obtained at, and

About the PDF Association:
First established as the PDF/A Competence Center in 2006, today, the PDF Association is an international organization promoting awareness and adoption of open standards in digital document applications using PDF technology.
The association facilitates education, networking and communication, and the sharing of expertise and experience with interested parties worldwide. The current membership includes over 100 enterprises and numerous individual subject-matter experts from more than 20 countries.

The management board includes industry leaders from Adlib Information Systems Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., callas software GmbH, Datalogics Inc., DocuSign Inc., intarsys consulting GmbH, levigo solutions GmbH, LuraTech Europe GmbH, Nitro Software Inc. and Satz-Rechen-Zentrum (SRZ). The association’s chairman is Olaf Drümmer, CEO of callas software GmbH. Peter Duff, President and CEO of Adlib Software, is the association’s vice-chairman.

For further information please contact:
Editorial Contact for North America:
PDF Association
Duff Johnson
Phone: +1.617 283 4226
[email protected]
Editorial Contacts for Europe:
Thomas Zellmann
Neue Kantstr. 14
D-14057 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 39 40 50 - 0
Fax: +49 30 39 40 50 - 99
[email protected]
good news! GmbH
Nicole Körber
Kolberger Str. 36
D-23617 Stockelsdorf
Phone: +49 451 881 99 - 12
Fax: +49 451 881 99 - 29
[email protected]
Distributed on behalf of PDF Assocation by NeonDrum news distribution service (
5  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Across Website for Translators Dons New Look on: October 02, 2015, 05:02:49 PM
Karlsbad, Germany, 2nd October 2015 – Across Systems GmbH, the manufacturer of leading computer-aided translation solutions, has relaunched its website for translators. A fresh design and a user-friendly structure are to facilitate the search for information.

Following the relaunch of the main website last year, has now also been fully redesigned. The objective is to provide visitors with all information on the Across Personal Edition in an easy, straightforward manner. Additionally, the "Know-how" section has been introduced as a new service. The tutorials and how-to guides featured in this section are designed to assist new users in getting started with the software. Moreover, experienced users will also find answers to many of their questions.

"Especially freelance translators need to be able to familiarize themselves with a new tool as quickly as possible in order to use it for their daily work without losing any time. With the new website, we endeavor to assist our users in this process and make it even easier for them to use our software", comments Tanja Wendling, Head of Marketing at Across Systems. "Visitors are welcome to send us their feedback and tell us whether we have reached this goal."
Visit to see what has changed.

About Across Systems:
Across, based in Karlsbad, Germany, and in Glendale, CA, USA, is the manufacturer of the Across Language Server, a market-leading software platform for all corporate language resources and translation processes. Within a very short time, the use of Across can increase the translation quality and transparency, while reducing the workload and process costs.
The Across Language Server can be used for EN 15038:2006-compliant translation services. As Across Systems GmbH is a certified Microsoft partner, the successful introduction of Microsoft technologies is guaranteed. Thanks to the Software Development Kit (SDK), Across can easily be integrated in IT environments. Integration support is available from the company's Business Services & Support department and from renowned system integrators and technology partners.
Within the scope of its product development, Across collaborates with international universities and academies. For many years, Across has also been focusing on cooperative partnerships with renowned technology companies and language service providers.
Customers of Across (extract): 1&1 Internet AG, Allianz Versicherungs AG, HypoVereinsbank, Miele, SMA Solar Technology AG, ThyssenKrupp, etc.
Further information about Across Systems GmbH is available at
For further information please contact:
Across Systems GmbH
Anja Bergemann
Tel: +49 7248 925-412
Fax: +49 7248 925-444
[email protected]
good news!
Nicole Körber
Tel: +49 451 88199-12
Fax: +49 451 88199-29
[email protected]
Distributed on behalf of good news! by NeonDrum news distribution service (
6  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Operators face 2-year data monetization gap on: October 01, 2015, 05:57:18 PM
London, UK, 1st October 2015 – Research conducted by Analysys Mason for AsiaInfo – China’s largest telecoms IT software and services company – highlights the gap between mobile operators and Large Internet Players (LIP) in their capabilities to monetize their customer insights.

The research covered 50 operator respondents drawn from across the world and focused on the challenges facing operators looking to successfully monetize customer data in a similar way to LIPs such as Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple (GAFA).   
Although two-thirds of the operators surveyed placed high importance on personalized, contextual marketing based on customer insights, almost as many, 62 per cent, felt that they were currently at least two years behind the GAFA group.  Among European operators, nearly 60 per cent also saw regulation as the main barrier to their ability to compete successfully.

Commenting of the results, Justin van der Lande, who led the research for Analysys Mason said: “This survey has laid bare the chasm that exists between the operators’ new business ambitions and their readiness to compete.

“Operators want to make the most of the abundant customer data they have, but in technical terms they still have a long way to go,” he added.

The operators’ responses were analysed to assess both their vision and their readiness to compete with the LIPs and the GAFA group in particular.   Based on the analysis, operators were categorized into four distinct groups:

Transformers: those displaying both the vision and developing the IT tools required to create new business models based on their customer insights.  Ten operators were placed clearly in this group.

Head-downers: those who have the tools but are focusing their capabilities on maximizing their existing business, rather than applying them to new business models.  Six operators met this description.

Worriers: those with the vision but without the tools and data.  Fifteen operators fell into this category.

Unbelievers: those lacking both the vision and the required tools.  This was the largest group containing nineteen operators.

Perhaps surprisingly, the survey also revealed that fear of losing customer trust and loyalty is perceived as a relatively minor barrier for operators seeking to monetize their customer data, with lack of access to data and the technology to process it ranking as much higher concerns.

Dr Andy Tiller, VP Product Marketing for AsiaInfo, felt that score was influenced by the success that the LIPs have already had in the marketplace and by the fact that operators have already earned a position of trust with consumers and partner companies.   

“Operators are currently very concerned by regulation, especially in Europe where they perceive an uneven playing field compared to the LIPs.  Of course, customer privacy is also taken very seriously, but it’s within the operators’ control to use data sensibly in a way which provides value to their customers,” he said.

The results also showed that operators need to make changes to some of their established business processes if they are to generate more value from their customer insights.

“In many cases the data they need to access and analyse is siloed in different departments, and that makes it more difficult to share and use the information,” explained Dr Tiller.

“One thing is clear from the survey though,” he said. “There is widespread and growing recognition among operators worldwide that they are some way behind the GAFA group in their use of customer data, and that they are placing a higher priority on the need to improve that capability both for themselves and for their partners.”


Note to editors:
The full white paper: “Monetizing Customer Insights – Are Telcos ready and motivated?” is available to download from the AsiaInfo website.

About AsiaInfo:
Founded in 1993, AsiaInfo, Inc. is a leading provider of internet-based systems and software to the telecommunications industry. Headquartered in Beijing, we employ more than 14,000 professionals worldwide.

AsiaInfo provides a full suite of business and operations support systems and professional services to solve the business challenges of the future. Through its innovative BSS/OSS, Big Data, and security software products, AsiaInfo is driving the transformation of the telecoms industry into the new Business Internet era.

Our core Veris™ product suite includes billing and customer care systems that serve over a billion subscribers globally, plus business intelligence, network management, network security, and OTT and cross-vertical collaboration solutions. Veris is the cornerstone of our growing ecosystem to support the transformation to the Business Internet.

Our customers work with us to converge large-scale pre-and post-paid mobile operations; improve time to market for new products and services; and develop cost-effective new business models. In China we have more than 50% market share in Billing, CRM and Business Intelligence through our longstanding partnerships with China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom.

Our BSS solutions are used by leading operators throughout Southeast Asia, Europe and the Indian subcontinent. For more information please visit:

For further information please contact:
Kevin Taylor or Nicky Denovan
Email: Kevin(dot)taylor(at)standingtallcomms(dot)com or nicky(dot)denovan(at)standingtallcomms(dot)com
Mob: +447 850 858 291
Distributed on behalf of Standing Tall by NeonDrum news distribution service (
7  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Cortus Marks 10th Anniversary on: October 01, 2015, 04:10:18 PM
Montpellier, France, 1st October 2015 – Cortus, a technology leader in low-power, silicon-efficient, 32-bit processor IP, announced that it has reached its tenth anniversary. Over the last ten years Cortus has been used in a wide range of applications including wireless, SIM cards, video processing, touchscreen controllers for smartphones, IoT devices, smart CMOS image sensors, industrial control, pay TV cards, e-Passports, automotive smart sensors and hardware security solutions.

Cortus, founded in Montpellier by Michael Chapman and Duc Nguyen Huu, is focused on processor and peripheral IP for SoCs and ASICs. The original vision of the company was to create a minimalist 32-bit processor core with a silicon footprint equivalent to an 8-bit core. Such a core would offer considerably more processor power than an 8-bit core thus saving clock cycles and dynamic power. Since then Cortus has launched two families of 32-bit cores which have been used for a wide range of embedded applications.

“Our vision of delivering silicon efficient, low power 32-bit cores has been vindicated by the market”, said Mr. Michael Chapman, President and CEO at Cortus, “Not only have our cores been used in applications as diverse as SIM cards, smart sensors and video processing, but our competition has followed suit”. He adds, “As Cortus enters its second decade we see exploding demand for minimalist cores particularly with the convergence of sensors, wireless and security in IoT edge devices.”

Significant milestones for Cortus in the last decade included:
•    October 2005 company started
•    April 2006 Cortus launched APS3 core
•    July 2007 first testchip containing Cortus APS3 manufactured
•    October 2008 first licensee goes into volume production with Cortus core on board
•    September 2009 first video processing project announced with SightIC in Israel
•    January 2010 Coronis announce Cortus selected for wireless smart metering platform
•    June 2010 StarChip tapes-out first of many Cortus-based SIM controller ICs
•    May 2011 first touchscreen controller project with Taegee in Korea
•    September 2011 Cortus wins Siemens Grand Prix in Town of Tomorrow category
•    February 2012 Cortus announces family of 4 products
•    September 2012 Discretix reveals that Cortus used in CryptoCell® security platforms
•    February 2013 Newport Media (now Atmel) announce Cortus-based Wi-Fi controller for IoT
•    June 2013 Microsemi in California announces Cortus-based smart sensor interfaces
•    October 2013 Cortus opens office in Sunyvale, Silicon Valley
•    April 2014 Cortus opens office in Bundang, Republic of Korea
•    April 2015 Pyxalis announces that smart CMOS image sensors use Cortus
•    October 2014 Cortus announces v2 instruction set and two new processor cores
•    February 2015 four RTOS and middleware vendors announce support for Cortus
•    June 2015 Cortus announces new Development Platform

Cortus licenses a range of low power, silicon efficient, 32-bit processor cores supporting a range of computational performance and supporting different system complexity. The cores start from entry-level 32-bit cores suitable for upgrading 8-bit cores to cores supporting caches, co-processors and symmetric multiprocessing systems. They share the simple vectored interrupt structure, which ensures rapid, real time interrupt response, with low software overhead. All APS processor cores interface to Cortus’ peripherals including Ethernet 10/100 MAC, USB 2.0 Device and USB 2.0 OTG via the efficient APS bus.

Cortus will be exhibiting at Semicon Europa in Dresden, Germany from 6-8th September 2015 at Booth #2094

About Cortus S.A.S.:
Cortus S.A.S. is a technology enabler for rapidly growing applications including Internet of Things (IoT), wearable electronic devices, smart sensors and security. It has specialised in 32-bit processor cores which can significantly reduce manufacturing costs while achieving computational performance and power constraints. Over 800 million devices containing Cortus cores are used in a wide range of applications including automotive, CMOS imaging, M2M controllers, secure execution, sensors, SIM cards, PayTV cards, touchscreen controllers, smart metering and wireless. Cortus’ headquarters are in Montpellier, France

For further information please contact:
Roddy Urquhart
+44 753 158 7023
[email protected]
Distributed on behalf of Cortus S.A.S. by NeonDrum news distribution service (
8  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / First global Usher Syndrome awareness day - 19th September on: September 16, 2015, 06:48:43 PM
London, UK, 16th September 2015 – Usher Syndrome is a rare genetic or inherited progressive condition that affects hearing, vision and balance. It was discovered by Scottish Ophthalmologist Charles Usher in 1914. To date there is no cure.

Many of those affected use hearing aids or cochlear implants to access sound and are able to communicate with speech. Some use sign language.

Molly Watt is 20 years old and lives in Berkshire - she was diagnosed with Usher Syndrome at 12 years old. She is a charity worker and is looking to be a self-employed motivational speaker. She was born hearing impaired and has been wearing hearings aids since she was 18 months old.

The onset of blindness and her hearing impairment has impacted Molly’s life in profound ways: “I had to quickly find strategies to get about without hurting myself. I would often walk into doorframes, and have bruises all down my arms and legs a lot of the time! I lost self-confidence, and at points did not feel I could ever be fully accepted by somebody. It was incredibly difficult to get a job.”

Molly was recently issued with a pair of new Smart Hearing aids, ReSound LiNX² that she controls using her iPhone and Apple Watch through an app. The app is called ReSound Smart™ and is the first that allows hearing aid wearers to control their instrument from their new Apple Watch. Its available for free from the App Store.

Previously talking on the phone proved very difficult. Not anymore. “It was a real "wow" moment when I made my first call to my Dad, via my Apple Watch and my new smart hearing aids,” comments Molly. “His voice came straight into my ears. He sounded different, so much clearer than before, it dawned on me, I'd never heard my Dad's real voice before. My Mum, ever faithful support and chauffeur, sat beside me sounded totally different. Even I sounded different to myself.”

“With the use of the app I have access to a system that I can alter to suit various environments. In a room full of people who are asking me questions after my talks, I am able to locate where the voices are coming from. It is the first time ever that I have been able to locate sounds. Out and about the advantage of being able to locate noises means I can avoid obstacles when walking around my home town with my guide dog.”

“And when out with friends, I can use the app to alter background noise so I can focus on the person in front in busy pubs, restaurants and social areas.”

Molly likes the sound quality of her new aids: “I have a ‘favourite’ setting on the app that I use most days. This setting has the volume a little higher, the bass higher too and the treble is lower. I have learnt more about my own hearing because of this app. With this setting the quality helps me gain more access to what is happening around me.”

For more information of ReSound hearing aids:

For more information on Usher Syndrome Awareness Day:

For support and information about Usher Syndrome in the UK:

For further information please contact:
Simon Brookes
[email protected]
07740 428 952
Distributed on behalf of BoroughPR Ltd by NeonDrum news distribution service (
9  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Gartner recognises Globo as Challenger in 2015 MADP Magic Quadrant on: July 30, 2015, 03:47:17 PM
London, UK, 30th July 2015 – Globo Plc (LSE-AIM: GBO, OTCQX: GOBPY), the global provider of complete enterprise mobility solutions and services for both enterprise mobility management and application development, has been positioned in the Challenger quadrant in Gartner’s 2015 Magic Quadrant report for Mobile Application Development Platform (MADP) providers.
According to Gartner, Challengers are characterised by their ability to execute, demonstrated by high product revenue and a large customer base, while their considerable resources ensure long-term viability. Globo supports a complete Mobile Application Development Lifecycle, allowing enterprises to rapidly develop innovative mobile applications with superior UI/UX capability that deliver great mobile experiences and successful user adoption.
Globo has distinguished itself from the competitive landscape as an end-to-end mobility solution provider by its recognition in both the MADP and EMM Magic Quadrants for 2015.
Costis Papadimitrakopoulos, Globo’s CEO commented: “Our inclusion in both of Gartner’s EMM and MADP Magic Quadrants is a validation of our early vision that enterprise mobility is not only about securing and managing mobile devices and data, but also about extending enterprises’ capabilities through the use of mobile apps. Over the past years we have invested heavily in R&D and commercial expansion of both the EMM and MADP product lines and we are recognised by being the only pure-play mobility vendor in both Magic Quadrants.”

A complimentary copy of the 2015 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Mobile Application Development Platforms is available from
About Globo:
Globo (LSE-AIM:GBO, OTCQX: GOBPY) empowers the mobile enterprise by enabling employees to work and collaborate from anywhere, anytime and by extending the enterprise’s engagement with customers and partners. Globo is unique in offering a complete enterprise mobility solution by merging Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM), Mobile Application Development Platform (MADP) and professional services. Globo solutions cover critical areas for a Mobile First enterprise, which are data security, app and device management as well as app design and development. The Group operates internationally in USA, Europe, Middle East and South East Asia, and has achieved worldwide recognition from leading analyst firms like Gartner, IDC and OVUM. For more information visit

About Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Mobile Application Development Platforms report:
Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organisation and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

For further information please contact:
Sage Partnership
Geoff Twibell
+44 118 934 4007
Globo Plc
Violeta Xanthouli
+30 2121218056
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10  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Major New Papers on Big Data for Health Published in IEEE Journal of Biomedical on: July 24, 2015, 04:29:24 PM
London, UK, 24th July 2015 – A major collection of papers exploring the very latest research and key developments in Big Data for health informatics has been published by the IEEE’s Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI). Authored by research teams from the world’s leading institutions, the papers of the Special Issue on “Big Data for Health” are available to download now via the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library at

Development in the fields of biomedical and health informatics are fast-moving and driving a major expansion in Big Data, both in terms of the sheer volume of information generated and the complexity, diversity, and richness of the data itself, which is now being acquired from multiple sources and platforms – from personal genomics to Twitter feeds. The growth of the Big Data opportunity also presents some key socio-legal challenges, requiring the development of new data analytic tools that can facilitate scalable, accessible and sustainable data infrastructure for the effective management of these large, multiscale, multimodal, distributed and heterogeneous data sets. Equally crucial is the ability to convert this data into actionable knowledge that can cost-effectively support clinical decision making, disease management, and care delivery.
Professor Guang-Zhong Yang PhD, FREng, Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE J-BHI comments: “Big Data is emerging as a significant source of innovation in healthcare, accelerating the translational pathways from the laboratory bench to the patient’s bedside. This special issue assembles the leading researchers in this area and provides new insight into and understanding of how big data analytics can be harnessed in health systems to improve clinical decision-making and enhance efficiency of care provision, policy development and policy implementation.”

Professor Andrew Laine, President of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBS) added: “The potential impact of Big Data is only just beginning to be explored across many sectors, so this landmark collection of research comes at an important time, providing an authoritative picture of the current – and future – challenges and opportunities of exploiting Big Data for health informatics.”

The articles included in this Special Issue are:
• Big Data for Health by Andreu-Perez, J. et al
• Big Data, Big Knowledge: Big Data for Personalized Healthcare by Viceconti, M. et al
• Predicting Asthma-Related Emergency Department Visits Using Big Data by Ram, S. et al
• Predicting Days in Hospital Using Health Insurance Claims by Xie, Y. et al
• Hierarchical Classification of Large-Scale Patient Records for Automatic Treatment Stratification by Mei, K. et al
• We Feel: Mapping Emotion on Twitter by Larsen, M.E. et al
• Symmetrical Compression Distance for Arrhythmia Discrimination in Cloud-Based Big-Data Services by Lillo-Castellano, J.M. et al
• Optimal Drug Prediction From Personal Genomics Profiles by Sheng, J. et al
• Toward Noninvasive Quantification of Brain Radioligand Binding by Combining Electronic Health Records and Dynamic PET Imaging Data by Mikhno, A. et al
• Big Heart Data: Advancing Health Informatics Through Data Sharing in Cardiovascular Imaging by Suinesiaputra, A. et al

--- Ends ---

Notes to editors:

About the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics: (
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI) publishes original papers describing recent advances in the field of biomedical and health informatics where information and communication technologies intersect with health, healthcare, life sciences and biomedicine. Papers must contain original content in theoretical analysis, methods, technical development, and/or novel clinical applications of information systems.

The J-BHI is one of the leading journals in computer science and information systems with a strong interdisciplinary focus and biomedical and health application emphasis. Topics covered by J-BHI include, but are not limited to: acquisition, transmission, storage, retrieval, management, processing and analysis of biomedical and health information; applications of information and communication technologies to the practice of healthcare, personal well-being, preventive care and early diagnosis of diseases, and discovery of new therapies and patient specific treatment protocols; and integration of electronic medical and health records, methods of longitudinal data analysis, data mining and knowledge discovery tools.

The IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society: (
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) is the world’s largest and oldest biomedical engineering organization. It has over 9,800 members and 1,900 student members worldwide. The Society benefits both humanity and its members by:
• Advancing medicine and biology through the application of engineering sciences and technology
• Promoting the profession of biomedical engineering, fostering professional development and recognizing excellence
• Presenting conferences that bring together scientists, engineers and physicians from multiple disciplines to disseminate knowledge and solve complex problems
• Establishing technical standards
• Providing global leadership for the profession

EMBS members are focused on the development and application of engineering concepts and methods to provide new solutions to biological, medical and healthcare problems. The Society identifies and recognizes the accomplishments and technological excellence of its members. It helps to demonstrate to the world and educate the public about the importance of biomedical engineering while creating interest in the profession as a career.

Nicky Denovan
Email: nicky
  • evokedset[dot]com
Mobile: +44 (0)7747 017654
Distributed on behalf of EvokedSet Ltd by NeonDrum news distribution service (
11  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / SETsquared applauded for supporting university entrepreneurs on: July 15, 2015, 02:38:34 PM
UK, 15th July 2015 – SETsquared has been shortlisted for a prestigious award for its work in nurturing a new generation of university entrepreneurs.

The partnership of the universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Southampton and Surrey is shortlisted in the Higher Education Enterprise Champion category of the National Enterprise Educator Awards.

Judges were impressed with SETsquared’s Researcher to Innovator programme, which helps researchers with promising ideas and projects who lack the skills and knowledge to convert them into commercial realities.

The programme, which runs over six months is aimed at the brightest and best postdoctoral researchers in any discipline, has already helped 100 people hone their ideas over the last three years. Success stories include:

• TrueInvivo, a Surrey company that has developed an innovative method of measuring radiation dosage and spread in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. The company has since gone on to secure places in SETsquared’s other entrepreneurship programmes and this summer won the Grant Thornton Entrepreneurial Excellence Award
• Inductosense, a company that has developed compact wireless sensing technology that can be embedded into structures and products for low-cost monitoring.
Simon Bond, Innovation Director for SETsquared, said: “We are truly honoured to be shortlisted for this award. Seeing the phenomenal success of the entrepreneurs we support is reward enough for us so this really is the icing on the cake.”

SETsquared will find out if it has won at the IEEC2015 Gala Dinner and Award Ceremony in Chelmsford on September 10. If the partnership does scoop the award it will add to its long list of prestigious titles, which include top university business incubator in Europe and the number two university business incubator in the world.


About SETsquared:
SETsquared is a long-standing partnership between the universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Southampton and Surrey which specialises in growing high-tech start-ups through its incubation programme and other business acceleration services. SETsquared provides mentoring, access to investors and corporate innovators and a wide range of industry experts through its network and training programmes.

Its business incubation programme is ranked by the University Business Incubator Index as the best in Europe and second in the world and over the last decade it has helped over 1,000 high-tech start-ups to develop and raise more than a £1bn of investment.

Independent research carried out by Warwick Economics estimates the economic impact of SETsquared member companies to be £3.8bn over this period, with the creation of 9,000 jobs and that these companies will go on to deliver a further £7.3bn of impact to the UK economy in the decade ahead.

For further information please contact:
Laura Downton at Carswell Gould T: 023 80 238001 E: laura[at]carswellgould[dot]
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12  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / British Library and Publishing Technology collaborate to make Document Supply Se on: July 14, 2015, 07:44:55 PM
Oxford, UK, 14th July 2015 – The British Library and Publishing Technology today announced a new partnership, which will make 5,400 new journal and book titles available via the ingentaconnect online platform.

With over 25,000 registered institutions and millions of end users in more than 170 counties accessing scholarly titles via, the agreement offers the British Library a new channel for connecting key international audiences with its Document Supply Service content.

Journal content from an assortment of academic publishers, such as Oxford University Press, Elsevier Science, Nature Publishing Group and the Royal Society of Chemistry, will be available for ingentaconnect users to purchase as part of the collaboration. Content from a number of British Library sources are already live on the site with more to follow later this month.

The agreement instantly broadens the reach of the Document Supply Service titles and makes this content more discoverable online, both through library discovery services and the platform itself. In turn, the addition of these British Library-held publications to ingentaconnect increases the platform’s rich catalogue of academic titles by over 40%.

Sam Tillett, Head of Business Development at the British Library, commented: “We are delighted to be collaborating with Publishing Technology and to make our Document Supply Service available via the ingentaconnect platform. This collaboration helps to bring our content to an even wider user audience.”

Byron Russell, Head of ingentaconnect at Publishing Technology, stated: “We are extremely proud to be welcoming such a prestigious name to our family. The collaboration gives our institutional and individual users unique access to an expansive collection of sought after content held by the British Library, and now available online. In turn, the British Library will benefit from a new distribution channel that will drive large scale global readership to its service.”


Notes to Editors:
For more information, please contact:
Emily Taylor Gregory, Publishing Technology plc
Tel: +44 1865 397973
Email: emily.taylor.gregory[at]publishingtechnology[dot]com

Publishing Technology plc:
Publishing Technology is the world-leading provider of content solutions that transform business. We cover the publishing process from end to end with content systems, audience development and content delivery software and services. Combining our unmatched publishing knowledge, global operations and perpetual support model with our advance enterprise system, ingentaconnect scholarly portal, pub2web custom hosting platform and PCG (Publishers Communication Group) sales and marketing consultancy, we offer the industry’s only full spectrum of solutions to help publishers move their content forward. Listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange, the company operates jointly from Europe (Oxford) and North America (Boston and New Jersey), with local offices in Brazil, India, China and Australia. Assisting 450 trade and scholarly publishers for nearly fourty years, Publishing Technology solves the fundamental issues content providers face.

Visit and, follow @publishingtech and @ingentaconnect on Twitter, or connect on LinkedIn.

The British Library:
The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom and one of the world's greatest research libraries. It provides world class information services to the academic, business, research and scientific communities and offers unparalleled access to the world's largest and most comprehensive research collection. The Library's collection has developed over 250 years and exceeds 150 million separate items representing every age of written civilisation and includes books, journals, manuscripts, maps, stamps, music, patents, photographs, newspapers and sound recordings in all written and spoken languages. Up to 10 million people visit the British Library website every year where they can view up to 4 million digitised collection items and over 40 million pages. See more at:

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13  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Technotomy and iVeridis Merge to Form Synoptic Technologies on: July 01, 2015, 07:02:49 PM
London, UK, 1st July 2015 - Technotomy Ltd., an experienced bespoke software development and data analytics provider, and iVeridis Ltd., a leader in efficiency and cost-saving technologies, today announced a merger to form Synoptic Technologies Ltd., a new company focused on linking innovative SME’s to global brands and government agencies.

Bringing symbiotic technologies and years of unparalleled expertise in the field, Synoptic Technologies will be a market leader in open-innovation, connecting SME’s with buyers of highly specialized tools for technological innovation. Synoptic Technologies’ global network helps companies discover and qualify thousands of pre-market and market ready technologies to find the right solution faster and cheaper than conventional searching processes.

Synoptic Technologies platform, Synoptica, leverages its network and technology in two ways:

InfoClew™ is a specially designed distributed search algorithm that allows clients to go beyond basic web searches and quickly access comprehensive and context-rich results. InfoClew is specially designed to scrape the deep web for professional data and gives visual clarity to unstructured information. The tool creates a concise company profile that makes quick and informed comparisons more intuitive.

InSuite™ helps companies build their own network of innovative technology solution providers and uses matching algorithms to quickly order and rank the right solutions for their project requirements. It allows companies to respond to specific challenges by leveraging the power of Synoptica’s network and create their own, bespoke innovation supply chain.

Working with a diverse roster of clients around the world, Synoptic Technologies is a transformative new partner for buyers and sellers of innovative business solutions to engage. With the best talent and technology from iVeridis and Technotomy Ltd., Synoptic Technologies will combine years of industry-leading experience and some of the most effective software in the world to help usher in a new era of super-charged business innovation and accelerate innovations’ access to market.

For more information, visit


About Synoptic Technologies Ltd.:
A company formed through a merger between Technotomy Ltd. and iVeridis, Synoptic Technologies Ltd. creates powerful tools for discovering and managing highly specialised technology innovations. Using custom software to build databases, track companies, and compare services, Synoptic Technologies is becoming one of the leading business solutions organizations in the world. Learn more at

About Technotomy Ltd.:
A UK-based software company established in 2007, Technotomy Ltd. develops bespoke software for Web, mobile, and low level hardware programming. It specializes in data mining, information retrieval, and intelligent computing solutions. Technotomy Ltd.’s clients include UK Trade & Investment, the UK Ministry of Defence, Imperial College London, University of Surrey, Autoline Direct Insurance Consultants Ltd. And others. Learn more at

About iVeridis:
iVeridis is a global leader in sourcing innovative solutions for international brands and government agencies. Founded in 2010, iVeridis uses a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform to connect a massive network of innovators at corporations, academic institutions, incubators, and professional associations with access to in-market and pre-market innovations. Customers include Tesco, Cofely, Knight Frank, TeliaSonera, The Crown Estate and many others. Learn more at

For further information please contact:
Charles Naud
+44 1491 872632
Distributed on behalf of Synoptic Technologies Ltd by NeonDrum news distribution service (
14  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Techno News / Major Boost To UK Robotics Capability With Launch of EPSRC UK Robotics and Auton on: June 24, 2015, 01:54:50 PM
London, UK, 24th June 2015 – The UK’s ability to develop and exploit the vast potential of Robotics and Autonomous Systems was given a major boost today with the formal launch of The EPSRC UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems Network (UK-RAS Network).

The Network will bring together the UK’s core academic capabilities in robotics innovation under national coordination for the first time and encourage academic and industry collaborations that will accelerate the development and adoption of robotics and autonomous systems.

The Network will be unveiled this evening at the Science Museum in London following a public lecture on Robot Ethics, organised by IET Robotics and Mechatronics Network in association with the Science Museum Lates and supported by the EPSRC UK-RAS Network.

The new network has already received strong support by major industrial partners, the Science Museum and the UK’s major professional engineering bodies including Royal Academy of Engineering, IET, and The Institution of Mechanical Engineers. The Network will expand to include broader stakeholders including key national laboratories in the UK and leading international collaborators in both academia and industry. The global market for service and industrial robots is estimated to reach $59.5 billion by 2020.

Commenting on the launch, the UK government’s Minister of State for Universities and Science, Jo Johnson said: “Robotics and autonomous systems have huge growth potential for the UK as one of our Eight Great Technologies. To get it right we need to draw on the expertise of the UK’s research base and the ambition of industry. By working collaboratively, this network will only help to accelerate growth of a high-tech sector and pave the way for new high-value, skilled jobs – a win, win scenario for the UK.”

The EPSRC UK-RAS Network is funded by The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) – the UK's main agency for funding research in engineering and the physical sciences. The Network’s mission is to provide academic leadership in Robotics and Autonomous Systems, expand collaboration with industry and integrate and coordinate activities at eight EPSRC-funded RAS dedicated facilities and Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) across the UK.

The founding network members are Imperial College London, Bristol Robotics Lab, University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, University of Leeds, University of Liverpool, Loughborough University, University of Oxford, University of Sheffield, University of Southampton, University College London, and University of Warwick.

Professor Guang-Zhong Yang PhD, FREng, Director and Co-founder of the Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery at Imperial College London and Chair of the UK-RAS Network commented: “Robotics and Autonomous Systems are set to play an increasingly vital role in the growth of the UK economy across all sectors of industry, from transport and healthcare to manufacturing and unmanned systems. This dedicated network provides a focus for the UK’s research and engineering excellence for the first time, ensuring that the UK can maintain its competitive edge in RAS innovation.”

Kedar Pandya, Head of the Engineering Theme for the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, added: “Working with Innovate UK and other research council partners, EPSRC's mission is to support and invest in the world-leading research base that has earned the UK its deserved reputation for research excellence. Robotics and Autonomous Systems are one of the Eight Great Technologies in which the UK is set to be a global leader, and the technology being developed at these EPSRC-funded RAS facilities will deliver a significant impact on the research landscape, and attract the kind of industrial investment that will maximise the UK’s stake in the worldwide robotics market.”

The Network will organise a wide range of activities including network and strategic roadmap events such as the UK Robotics conference, symposia and focused workshops, public engagement and exhibitions. It will also have extensive online engagement activities using social media and web and user forums. The Network aims to strengthen the relationship with industry by supporting interdisciplinary mobility and industrial secondment and developing proof-of-concept (PoC) projects and running design challenges. There is also a strong emphasis on government policy and high-level engagement with international stakeholders.

Ends –

Notes to editors:
About EPSCR UK-RAS Network: (
The EPSRC UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems Network (UK-RAS Network) is dedicated to robotics innovation across the UK, with a mission to provide academic leadership in Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS), expand collaboration with industry, and integrate and coordinate activities at eight Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funded RAS capital facilities and Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) across the country.

Nicky Denovan
Email: nicky
  • evokedset[dot]com
Mobile: +44 (0)7747 017654

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