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1  THE TECHNO CLUB [ TECHNOWORLDINC.COM ] / Personal Finance / Witnessing a clean up unseen in earlier times on: October 08, 2010, 11:13:45 AM
When talking about real estate Trivandrum city saw a major eviction drive recently, which no other government in the past ever dared to do.  In this connection, the most progressive decision taken by the Government of Kerala very recently deserves all praise.  These is no exaggeration in saying that while Kerala is the first state to take such progressive decisions, full credit must be given to our dynamic Hon’ble Chief Minister, which had started publicly canvassing for such a bold step within a short time of his taking over as Chief Minister.

Almost all the encroachments into the government lands have been identified and the encroachments evicted with an iron hand.  It is interesting to note that many of the government lands, ponds and even lakes have been lost to the land mafia mainly due to the indifferent attitude of the various government departments.

Another main question doing the rounds is with respect to the modern approaches to be adopted in power management.  Why not generate energy at somebody else’s cost and distribute the same through the Kerala State Electricity Board without any hassles associated with power generation?  Why not somebody else build the bridges and roads at his own cost and face the consequences, or recover his money through the toll system!  This system is followed all over the world.  These ideas and approaches have built-in controls, both in quality and in the timeframe taken to finish a work. 

If there is no quality, the investor will not get back his money as the bridge must stand until his money is recovered, which takes several years.  The same is the case with respect to an investment into real estate.  An investor will invest only if he is sure of recovering an investment in the future.  Or else he will move into other avenues.  Investments into real estate in some prominent areas of Trivandrum have appreciated in value by more than 100 percent within a short span of time.
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