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 PR 38 links from google?
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PR 38 links from google?
« Posted: August 25, 2008, 04:05:18 PM »

In regards to one way backlinks pointing to your website, its about quality not quantity.

Relevancy plays a big part in the search engines determining the strength of a link pointing to your website. E.G a link from a marketing forum pointing to a website based on Cat food, will provide you with very little in terms of helping your website rank highly for the cat food niche. Though if this is a new website, this link from the forum can help attract search engine spiders to get your cat food site and help it get indexed in the search engines, which is not a bad thing. I just will not help it rank well for your terms.

The Anchor text of your hyper link and the pages to which the one way inbound links are pointing to your website are very important factors. Generally speaking, websites do have more than one page. Each of your websites pages will be focused on a different topic or theme. Its important to have your inbound links pointing to the individual pages using anchor text that suits this topic or theme. As compared to a lot of one way links pointing to the root of your domain. Having your topic or theme as anchor text for individual pages can greatly improve your websites rankings for these terms in the search engines. Analysis of your market prior to creating your website and creating webpages suited to the keyword or theme research is vital.

One mistake a lot of people make is using the same anchor text in every link pointing to their websites. This can alert the search engines to false links being created for the purposes of gaming the search engines. It is very important to use variations of your topics when creating one way backlinks to your website and its individual pages.

What sites are good to get one way backlinks from? In general terms we will call them Authority websites. You can tell if a website has authority in a search engine if it is at the top of the search engine rankings for many vareid terms. Such as this website ezineartiles. Another determining factor is age. Websites under 1 year old will have authority status in the search engines, specifically Google.

Social bookmarking websites, are a great way to get relevant one way backlinks from authority websites. Using tags and selecting the appropriate categories can provide you with links from within these websites that have the same topic as your website and thus providing you with relevant links.

The is a new term that has just arrived on the internet called PR 38, this is a network of social bookmarking sites, which are not related to each other and have the above authority status in the search engines. This network allows you to post links from your websites internal pages across a network of authority websites, with the ability to select a category that suits your website.

Networks like these will soon be more available over the internet for people who wish to get their websites indexed in the search engines and create many authority backlinks to their websites.

For more information on this topic see below.

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About the Author

Peter Drew is the Author of PR 38 you can contact him via


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