You can have the best business in the world, but if you don’t tell people about it no-one will ever know.
However familiar the product or service you are selling you still need to market your business with energy and great enthusiasm.
Of course, your success in persuading someone to buy from you depends on the amount of skills that you have.
Advertising, direct mail and e-marketing, all have their place but good PR enable you to communicate with a much large audience than by using advertising alone.
Effective PR is achieved by getting the right message to the right people in the right format in the right time.
To succeed with PR you must move PR up your list of business priorities because it requires time and attention to detail.
You need to use your local press or any other local media to succeed in a good PR exercise.
Topics that your local press are: awards, success and achievements.
When you think that you have an interesting and important story worthy of publication, write the story in plain English, include your contact details at the end, then contact the local media.
If your article get published don’t forget to send a thank you letter or e-mail, or even just a phone call, to the journalist, you never know when you will need him again.
Good luck.