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  NLP Training Vital for Sales Management?
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Daniel Franklin
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NLP Training Vital for Sales Management?
« Posted: November 05, 2007, 03:32:38 PM »

The secret to managing top sales professionals is basically made up of three main components. The first component is the sales managers themselves who need to have the know-how to sell, the second is a sales structure/model of a sales process that can be easily replicated or modified to suit the situation and the third is the ability to motivate great sales professionals and to keep them going.

In order for these three components to materialize, one needs exceptional skill in observing and analyzing human behaviour and providing feedback such which leads to agreement. In this article, we will understand how NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming can help develop such skills.

In the case of the first component, that is "knowing how to sell", it's a known fact that every competent sales manage must have started out as a decent sales professional and there's no doubting the fact that they can effect sales. However, just because a person knows how to sell, it doesn't mean that they are consciously aware of exactly how they sell. In other words, a great sales professional may not be able to achieve the desired results as a sales manager.

The key word in identifying just how your own process of doing something works and what and where the leverage points are, is ATTENTION. Basically, anything that comes naturally to us, it is managed on auto-pilot without conscious awareness and tends to become a behavioural pattern rather than a planned technique. But in order to teach your team how you achieve sales and to develop a good sales model you need to be able to consciously mark what you do to achieve results.

A good NLP practitioner training provides the necessary processes for creating a conscious model of how the mind of an individual works and how they act in order to consistently reach a specific target. This can be used to for developing one's own skills or for teaching the same to other people. What it does is basically pay deliberate attention to multiple channels of behavioural traits and communication and then replicating selective patterns that are required to achieve a particular result.

Thus NLP trained sales managers are equipped to model not only their own sales processes with precision and in enough detail to be replicated by the staff, but also the sales techniques of their top sales professionals. NLP training gives them the ability to identify and use those components of a sale process which are invisible to the sales professionals themselves.

To conclude, a NLP Practitioner Course enables managers to replicate successful sales models and also gives them the edge in communicating and motivating their staff by noting and understanding the emotional developments taking place in the minds of their employees.

So, managers with NLP training are skilled at helping their staffs perform to their optimum abilities at all times. Thus in a nutshell, NLP helps to build agreements that build effective sales forces!

Rintu Basu is the only NLP and Hypnotic Persuasion Trainer in the UK. Having developed NLP Sales applications for a number of businesses, his latest venture is developing NLP in Scotland through good quality public NLP training courses


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