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 Google Web Site submission tips / Content is your friend
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Author Topic: Google Web Site submission tips / Content is your friend  (Read 1820 times)
Stephen Taylor
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Google Web Site submission tips / Content is your friend
« Posted: July 27, 2007, 01:42:57 PM »

Getting your web page listed in Google is a huge plus for your internet marketing efforts. Having your web page appear in the first page of search results is one of the feathers in the cap that most marketers strive to get.

People have made and do make their careers around getting web pages to be ranked as favorably as possible among search engines (also known as Search Engine Optimization, or SEO). So, how do you accomplish SEO for your website? There are many companies providing a Search Engine Optimization Service currently, if you're willing to pay for their services (which can be costly!) Fortunately, tools exist for you to do some SEO on your own.

One thing I can tell you that is pretty much undisputable, SEO takes time - time spent on making your site desirable to the search engines like Google. Two methods of getting your site on its way up the search results ranks are Google's webmaster tools, and updating your content.

Google Webmaster Tools

Google has a nice set of tools available for free at Here you can check to see if your web site is included in Google's index (The list of websites that Google keeps. Your site needs to be included here for Google to find it and possibly display it in relevant search results.) You can also submit a Sitemap through Google's Webmaster Tools. A Sitemap is a file that lists the pages of your site and some basic details about your site like the subject, how often your site is updated, and more.)

Google's Webmaster Tools also allows you to search for the latest and greatest tips on getting, keeping and improving your web site's search results. This is a resource you definitely need to add to your list of tools.

Updating Your Content

Content is king! Content is king! Content is king! Did I tell you that content is king? Ok, it is an accepted fact that search engines like content, specifically they like NEW content more. Give your site some regular content management. Keep in mind, you don't need to do all the writing yourself. There are plenty of resources available to you. Do a search on something like "articles for sites" and see how many pages you find that have articles available to you for f-r-e-e, as long as you follow their guidelines (which I've found to be very reasonable, considering you're getting free content).

While consistently updated content is good for your site, keep this term in mind: "keyword rich". What I mean by that is you will want to have as many relevant keywords appearing in the content on your site as possible. For example, if you have a site on beer brewing, you'll want to include as many relevant terms (home beer brewing, beer brewing supply, etc.) Don't try and force keywords in just to have them on your site, just take a look at the copy and see how many you can work in. Of course, if you are using an article from another site, you'll need to keep it as is. Articles written by others could already have been reviewed for keywords, so keep that in mind too. Good luck with your internet marketing efforts and keep in touch with me at my blog:
Paul lives in Metairie, LA. He has been a student and practitioner of internet marketing and a home business opportunity seeker for over the past two years. Check out his blog at


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