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 Know What Google Does To Index
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Stephen Taylor
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Know What Google Does To Index
« Posted: July 27, 2007, 01:35:02 PM »

SEO and webmaster functions are familiar to those with training and experience. But if you are a self made website owner an understanding of how Google works will erase anxious moments of why is it taking so long! Once you submit pages for indexing Google and other search engines can take as much as a month to index.

When the word “bot” is used it refers to search engine software that reads every page you submit, categorizes it, and places it in a data base. Google’s bots are called “The Adsense bot, the Freshbot, and the DeepCrawl.” Google according to statistics indexes over 8 million pages.

• The Adsense works on sites that have Adsense. When a new page is set up, the JavaScript in the Adsense sends a “calling” message to the bot. The bot then indexes the page in 15 minutes.

• Freshbot will crawl or examine all the popular pages on a site. A Freshbot for sites like BBC and CNN or eBAY will scan every 10 minutes. Other infrequently updated sites will get a Freshbot “look” every 1-14 days. The frequency depends on the popularity of the pages. Freshbot seeks all the deeper links on your pages and places them in a database in Google. When DeepCrawl takes place there already exists a ready reference.

• DeepCrawl follows the action taken by Freshbot. Once a month or so it will go over links indexed by Freshbot.

Google being user friendly has great information for webmasters at: . If you follow their instructions and guidelines then your website will get indexed faster. There are instructions for design, content, quality, submission, FAQs and more.

The way to go is to add quality content to your site regularly and tease Googlebot into crawling you pages by getting quality inbound links. More important is to create a Google Sitemap for your site. This will be the channel through which you interact with Google. You can send information on new pages, changes, and important pages on your site and Google will send information on problems created by your website pages and how to clear them.

If you have pages that you do not want Google to index then you need to use a robots.txt file. Instructions on how to create a robots.txt are available on the Google site. If you have any problems or questions the Google team will solve the problems for you.

There are advantages to “view” your pages through the eyes of Google and any other search engine crawler. Find out as much as you can and consider using special “ SEO tools” to check the pages you create. These help you fine tune your site such that it will get indexed quickly.

Read SEO forums and chats regularly and keep updated on what is happening in the SEO word.

While you are exercising patience you should occupy your time in generating inbound links and marketing plans. Keep on your toes and there are chances your site will get the ranking you seek.

Aaron Brooks is a freelance writer for , the premier website to find Seo consulting, link buildings and professionals seo training, online marketing tips, seo tools and more. He also freelances for the premier Search site


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