How Spyware Blaster Can Protect Your Computer From Harm
By browsing a web page, you could infect your computer withspy ware, ad ware, dialers and hijackers. These, unwelcomeguests, are some of the fastest growing threats on theInternet today. It is important to protect your computerand one of the most powerful software products, availablefor this, is Spy ware Blaster, a program created by Javacool.
How are you affected?
A spyware program will record every keystroke and e-mail aswell as every web page you visit and every chat session.Some spyware programs will try to take control of yourhomepage, search page and other browser settings. Some maysilently download themselves onto your computer. Others maypose as legitimate programs and persuade you to downloadthem.
Private and confidential information extracted from auser's computer may be put on the Internet before he canrealize that he is a victim of these malicious programs.
A Microsoft program called ActiveX is used to downloadsoftware from websites for supporting legitimate serviceslike file viewers or games. ActiveX can also be used todownload spyware, hijackers, dialers and ad ware. SpywareBlaster can make it difficult for these ActiveX programs torun on your computer. It can also protect your computerfrom certain cookies while running Mozilla based browserslike Fire fox.
The major anti-virus software product manufacturers haveignored the risks of spyware, hijackers, dialers and adware till now. Due to this, users have little knowledge ofthe software products that can be effective in detectingand eliminating them. One of the most powerful productsavailable to provide security from spy ware is SpywareBlaster.
Spyware Blaster
Spyware Blaster is a freeware that offers effectiveprotection from malicious Internet downloads. It disablesmalicious ActiveX controls that are already present andprevents downloads of malicious ActiveX controls from a webpage. Its current database contains 822 items against whichit provides protection. About 100 of these are trackingcookies, used by advertisers.
Spy ware Blaster's Flash Killer capability enables it toblock the installation of distracting macromedia flashcontent. It gives the user the option to block specificsearch engine toolbars and browser plug-ins.
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