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 Uninagari unicode typewriter FAQ
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Author Topic: Uninagari unicode typewriter FAQ  (Read 15648 times)
TWI Trailblazer

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Uninagari unicode typewriter FAQ
« Posted: September 04, 2007, 11:53:32 PM »

Uninagari unicode typewriter FAQ

This post will act as FAQ and support forum for Uninagari - an online Indian language Unicode typewriter, that has existed on this site for a couple of years, and has now expanded to include more keyboard options and more languages. At this time, it supports Devanagari (Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit, Nepali, Maithili, Konkani, Dogri, Sindhi, Kashmiri, etc.), Gurumukhi (Panjabi, Kashmiri, Sindhi, etc.) and Nastaliq (Urdu). Very soon, I will add some more Indian languages. If you use Uninagari and have a question, please go through the following FAQ, and if your question is not covered, leave a comment at the end of this post.

1. What is Uninagari?
It is a simple, no-frills typewriter that enables you to type in some Indian languages, using Unicode fonts. You can type your words, sentences, paragraphs in the text box provided and can copy it (Ctrl+C) and paste it (Ctrl+V) to your document (word-processor, email, presentation software, graphics software, whatever) as long as it supports Unicode. Uninagari is a simple text editor and will not allow any text formatting (bold, italic, font size change). You can apply all formatting in the destination document.

2. How are the keyboard layouts arranged?
The keyboard layouts either follow an established standard keyboard, or are semi-phonetic. By semi-phonetic, I mean that as far as possible, characters are assigned to their nearest phonetic equivalent in Roman script. Second preference has been given to tha shape of the character. Look at the keyboard graphic for details.

3. I am already used to a typewriter layout. What is there for me?
Devanagari typewriter has the option of three more keyboard layouts - Inscript, Remington and Shusha. Even if you are a beginner typing devanagari and will be typing more in future, I recommend getting used to Inscript layout. It is great for touch-typing. Uninagari editors for languages other than Hindi support only one keyboard layout.

4. Why should I use Uninagari, when my operating system has IME (Input Method Editors), and other editors are available?
When you have access to other editors, obviously you don’t need to use Uninagari. Uninagari has been found to be most useful when you are working on a computer not your own, where you don’t have permission or time to install anything. It is also a great tool for beginners in Indian language typing. My recommendation is to graduate to IME as soon as possible.

5. I want to use Uninagari offline/download it for my personal use.
This tool basically fills the need for online typing. There are other better tools for offline typing. However, I will make Uninagari available for download very soon.

6. How do I type half characters and conjunct characters (devanagari)?
Half characters and conjunct characters are not assigned to separate keys in Uninagari. Add a halant (\ key in default layout) to create a half character, e.g. क+्+य+ा=क्या. Similarly ज्ञ can be obtained by typig ज+्+ञ.


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