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  Generate Passive Income for You and Your Loved Ones
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Author Topic: Generate Passive Income for You and Your Loved Ones  (Read 4213 times)
Daniel Franklin
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Generate Passive Income for You and Your Loved Ones
« Posted: November 07, 2007, 12:46:23 PM »

Are you ready for a profound idea? When I discovered this in my life, my life changed. The concept is called, “Making money in your sleep.”


Making money in your sleep. Does that sound good? Making money in your sleep means you have an income stream that can be passed on to others.


Making Money in Your Sleep Is a Moral Imperative

What I want you to understand is that making money in your sleep is not immoral or amoral. It is a moral imperative! What that means is that you absolutely must do it, because, ultimately, we all sleep in the end.


To make money, you have to create value. Making money is a process of creating value, so making money itself is a very moral process. We need to create value and meet the needs of other human beings.


If you are a contributor and a creator of value, you want the value creation that you initiate to go beyond you.


You want the value that you are creating to continue to be created. You want to continue to meet the needs of other human beings for many years after you are no longer here.


You will still be making money, even though you will be sleeping the “Big One.”


I get very passionate about this, because I see it as a moral imperative of our lives.


We want to create value that continues to be created even when we are no longer able to engage in the creation of value.


We all have to sleep every day. We’d like value to be created in the night, when we are no longer able to engage in the process directly—when we sleep.


Sometimes we have to go on vacation with our families. We’d like for value to be created in our absence.


And eventually we all must sleep the Big One, and we still want to be creating value and assisting the life of other people long after we are gone. I want you to begin to see this not as a negative thing or a neutral thing, or something that is about getting what you want. This is about being able to give in perpetuity on an ongoing basis.


Making money while you sleep means giving and creating value in perpetuity on an ongoing basis!


Author Bio:


James Skinner is a world-renowned business man and philosopher.  He is recognized as one of the world’s foremost business thinkers and appears regularly on Japanese television.  He has built two global financial groups that manage billions in client assets.  His success is limitless, and he can show you how to achieve your own greatness.  Get his valuable insight at


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