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 Block Spam with An Easy Behavioral Change
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Daniel Franklin
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Block Spam with An Easy Behavioral Change
« Posted: September 11, 2007, 12:57:07 PM »

Block Spam with An Easy Behavioral Change

E-mails now have a connection back to their servers. I willleave the technical aspects out of this article. Instead, Iwill walk you through how information from your computer isgetting back to them.

You have probably experienced this already, an e-mail landsin your box with many symbols in the subject line createdwith the Shift Key plus a Number Key. This is the mostcommon one. For example, it may look like this:&*)(*&^%$#! Except the length of the symbols are longer.

When you click on it to delete it, any further action,including the deletion of the e-mail seems to go into la-laland. In other words, you can do anything else. This maylast up to a minute or two depending on your computer speed.You have just been pinged and information is going back totheir server saying there is a live connection.

In addition, because the symbols change all the time, it'sdifficult to block them unless you use a program like SpamArrest.

Here is an easy way and excellent way to protect from thisand all you have to do is change the way you dial in andout.

If you have a DSL line or any other type Internet connectionthat is open all the time. Control how frequently you allowe-mails to upload into your system. If you use Outlook, yougo into Tools, Options, select the Mail Delivery tab andchange "check messages every" 30, 60 or 90 minutes. Thisalso helps on time management if e-mails are eating up toomuch of your time.

Next, after all your e-mails are uploaded into yoursoftware, whether you set the time management feature above,close off the Internet connection. It will not stop thelost 30 or 60 seconds these e-mail lock up your computer butyou have cut off any possible pinging.

After you close the Internet connection, read, review anddelete the e-mails. After completing this, you can go aheadand reopen the Internet connection, and send your responses.

If you have a dial-up connection, you can do this samemethod, except you will ignore the Mail Delivery optionmentioned earlier.

This actually isn't just happening on e-mails with thesesymbols. There are other programmed e-mails dumping cookieson your computer. I will not address how to remove cookiesin this article. To find out how your software can removeyour cookies use F1 (help) on your keypad in your e-mailsoftware to find the answer before. WindowsXP also hasadditional information for removing cookies under: Start,Help and Support.

Catherine Franz, a eight-year Certified Professional Coach,Graduate of Coach University, Mastery University, editor ofthree ezines, columnist, author of thousands of articleswebsite: http://www.abundancecenter.comblog:


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