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 Eight Quick Tips For Stopping SPAM
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Author Topic: Eight Quick Tips For Stopping SPAM  (Read 771 times)
Daniel Franklin
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Eight Quick Tips For Stopping SPAM
« Posted: September 11, 2007, 12:38:14 PM »

Eight Quick Tips For Stopping SPAM

If you are buried in SPAM then you're not alone. It's been suggested that asmuch as 50% to 75% of the e-mail traffic on any given day is SPAM. Readingthrough SPAM is a waste of your time and it subjects you to potential viruses,trojan horses, and sexual material which can be quite offensive. Here are sometips on how to win the SPAM war:

1. Use a throwaway email address when posting to public news groups and chatrooms and for your Yahoo or MS Messenger Chat accounts. You can get free emailaddresses at Yahoo, HotMail and other places. Use your personal ISP-providedemail address only to communicate with trusted sources. If you are an AOL userthen set up an additional email account to use for public posting purposes.When your free or spare email account starts getting abused just close it andopen another.

2. Take the time to set up different email addresses for different purposes.Have one for business communications, another for personal and another one forshopping online. That way you can avoid the risk of exposing one e-mailaddress to all of your contacts.

3. If you own your own web site then the chances are that your hosting accountcomes with the ability to create new e-mail addresses on the fly. These areaddresses that will automatically forward to your main address. If you havethat capability then use a unique address for each web site or mailing listthat you choose to join. For example, if your site name is and youdecide to join the mailing list located at, you would join using theaddress [email protected]. If you start getting SPAM to this address then you knowthat the people who run are responsible. You can complain to them andtheir ISP and you can easily delete that email address.

4. Don't list your email address on your own web site in plain html or as alink to a contact form. Spammers use automated robots to capture theseaddresses and add them to SPAM databases. Instead use an email cloaking scriptwhenever you need to show your email address. You can search at Google.comusing the phrase "email cloaking" and come up with a lot of options. Just pickthe one that works best for your particular needs.

5. Do not buy anything from a company that sends you SPAM. Not only might thecompany or offer be a scam but you are jumping right into the fire by lettingspammers know that your email address is active and that you buy from spammers.Your address will be sold to thousands of other spammers.

6. Never reply to a spammer or click the "remove my address" link. That onlylets them know that your address is good.

7. If your email service or email client comes with SPAM filters use them.

8. You might want to think about subscribing to a SPAM prevention service.Search on for "SPAM prevention service" and review your options.

Following these simple tips could cut your SPAM down by as much as 90%.Wouldn't that be great!

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