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 Is There A National Do Not Spam List?
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Author Topic: Is There A National Do Not Spam List?  (Read 1240 times)
Daniel Franklin
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Is There A National Do Not Spam List?
« Posted: September 11, 2007, 02:14:51 PM »

Is There A National Do Not Spam List?

You may have already received a do not spam list email, seen a web site or even heard a radio advertisement that promises to reduce spam email just by submitting your email address.

Since the federal "Do Not Call List" became law in 2003, it seems logical that a do not spam list exists also. But even though it sounds legitimate, don't believe the hype or the official looking emails.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) attorneys, who are experts at fighting spam email, a national do not spam list registry would not be effective at this time for many reasons.

The FTC says the high risk of a list like this would actually result in more in-box clutter because illegal spammers would use the registry as a "do spam" list. So the FTC is advising consumers not to submit their email addresses to any organization that claims to be creating a do not spam list.

The FTC also says emails and web sites that claim to offer a national do not email list or registry could be part of a high-tech scam to trick consumers into disclosing their email address or other sensitive personal information.

According to the FTC, these web sites and emails may be a way to collect valid email addresses to sell to email spammers. The result could be even more spam for anyone who signs up for the do not spam list.

Or, it could be worse because some scammers have collected information through bogus web sites that mimic those of legitimate organizations, and then use the information to commit identity theft.

If you have already submitted your email address to a national do not email list or registry that promises to reduce the amount of spam you receive, you may be a victim of one the latest email scams on the Internet.

Should you get an unsolicited email claiming to represent a do not email list or registry, an organization to stop spam, or even the FTC itself, forward it to the FTC using this email address - [email protected] .

If you believe you have already been scammed, file your complaint at FTC - File Complaint, then visit FTC - Identity Theft Resources to learn how to minimize your risk of damage from identity theft.

You can choose to ignore a do not spam list email or help the FTC with their efforts in fighting spam by forwarding any suspicious emails to them. The important thing is that you don't become a new victim of the do not spam list email scam.

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