In the cold silent darkness of a winter night, snowflakes slowlyfell glistening as I turned on the outside lights. The purity and newness of the shimmering flakes reminded me of my new journey of growth and personal development.
The wonder of a single snowflake, one of nature’s glorious yet quiet miracles, proves nothing is impossible to create when I am open to receiving the abundance of life. Sometimes life’s distractions, fear, pride and personal desires turn me away from the journey. Keeping my heart and soul in spiritual alignment with my journey assists me on the path to becoming the full potential of my destiny.
My own personal growth journey consciously began almost two years ago, even though I was growing every day of my life experiencing challenges and opportunities along the way. I attended my first motivational workshop in New Jersey, and I was
forever changed. I connected with other “travelers” who arenow dear friends and spiritual partners in the quest of personal growth and self-improvement. During this time I continued to attend numerous motivational seminars and inspirational workshops, learning, growing and gathering insights making amazing breakthroughs within myself.
I have learned the power of positive thinking and attitude, and the importance of a state of gratitude for all that I have in my life. Most importantly, I love and respect the people who have been placed into my life. There are no coincidences. It is with gratitude that I acknowledge each human being I have had the privilege to know. Everything that has happened in my life, positive or negative, good or bad, joyful or sad has been orchestrated by the Divine pattern for my life. I am the person I am today because of all that has gone before me and all that I have experienced, and I am the empowered woman I am today because of the people who have entered my life and touched me in some way on this journey. I am where I am supposed to be in my
travels through life.
There are important steps to take along the path of personal growth, to live life fully and confidently. These are the tools that have been beneficial to achieve a positive approach to opening myself for an abundant life:
-- Be grounded and confident. Breathe and be centered as one with the Universe.
-- Open my consciousness and heart to receive messages from my inner voice, and listen to the words. Diligently work to take down any walls of resistance that have been a part of my life.
-- Pursue education and spiritual enlightenment by attending personal development seminars presented by successful motivational entrepreneurs who inspire me.
-- Seek the mentor that I connect with, and attend events where he or she shares their wealth of knowledge and experience.
-- Be humble knowing I am connected to every living being in the Universe, an important and necessary link in the chain of life.
-- Apply all that I have learned to create flow into every aspect of my life to become the empowered person I was created to be.
-- Be energetic in my approach to life and create a positive attitude surrounding myself with peace and harmony.
I daily open my heart and mind, strengthening my conscious being to let God run my life, remembering I am a miracle in progress and God is not finished with me yet. How exciting to know that I have so much more to experience and more people will follow along the path with me, for a distance, touching my life in ways not even imaginable at this time. I know I am not yet where I am destined to be, but I thank God I am not where I used to be. I am okay now, and I am on my way.
Believe in yourself. Trust in God and yourself. Develop a strong positive attitude and breathe in Life. A joyful mission statement for Life says:
-- Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body…..but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming….WOW ------ What a Ride!
Love and blessings to you on your journey to a better life.
Businesswoman, Friend, Collaborator, and Team player, Linda fulfills her Entrepreneurial Calling by offering a great service that enriches the lives of others. Together with other fellow BraveHeart Community members, her goal is to empower Women to be multi-dimensional success stories and
inspiration to others. Be sure to Visit Be a BraveHeart Woman