Stress Management
Stress situation that occur in daily life may cause people to feel irritated, threatened or anxious -- a set of emotions that are
collectively referred to as stress. Many people become stressed when they are involved in conflicts, worried about problems or pressed for time. The body interprets these pressures as a threat to life. In response, the pituitary gland signals the adrenal glands to release adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol --hormones that prepare the body to fight or flee. As a result, muscles tense, alertness increases and heartbeat, respiration and blood pressure escalate. Though these effects enable the body to react quickly when faced with true danger, a body in a constant state of stress begins to lose its capacity for defense. Lack of sleep and exposure to excessive noise make coping with stress more difficult. Overtime, illness (including heart disease and
cancer) and mental burnout may result. Fortunately, relaxation methods, herbal remedies and water therapies can help reduce many types of stress.
What you can do:
Relaxation is the antithesis of stress. It is therefore essential for people susceptible to stress to relax and avoid being constantly "on " due to the increase secretion of stress hormones. Besides using naturopathic therapies, try to make time in your day to "Switch off," doze and dream.Exercise is also very helpful in alleviating the effects of stress.
Eustress and distress
Stress doesn't have to be negative. A certain amount of tension is actually necessary for a productive, interesting life.After all, stress
spurs us to perform. This good stress is called Eustress (The Greek prefix "eu" means good" ), and it invigorates the mind and body.
Bad stress on the other hand, is called distress ("dis" means "bad" in Latin), and it produces tension that harms the body and causes
Yawning release tension
Believe it or not, yawning can help you relax by stretching the muscles, increasing oxygen intake and releasing tension. Yawn loudly and
stretch your arms several times a day.
Lavender helps you relax
Before drying off after a shower, place 3 drops of lavender essential oil on a damp washcloth and rub it gently over your body. The soothing
active agents in the lavender oil will enter your body through your skin and nose.
Nuts soothe the nerves
Nuts are good source of the vitamins and minerals that support your central nervous and cardiovascular systems. These include magnesium
and the B vitamins. Snacking on nuts helps combat stress and increase concentration.
Extra Tips
When planning a vacation, try to get away for at least 10 days. This gives you the best chance of achieving real relaxation. Shorter vacations
are beneficial, but a new environment may increase stress, and the body and spirit need time to adjust to it.
Find out more about effective way to reduce stress at
http://effective-stress-reduction.comAuthor : Peter Heng