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 14 Tips That Can Make Your Smartphone's Camera Highly Useful
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Author Topic: 14 Tips That Can Make Your Smartphone's Camera Highly Useful  (Read 2116 times)
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TWI Trailblazer

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14 Tips That Can Make Your Smartphone's Camera Highly Useful
« Posted: May 15, 2019, 12:55:44 PM »

Most people think that the only point of a smartphone’s camera is to take photos. But this portable device has many other uses too, helping you in myriad ways. Some of these you may have guessed, while some may surprise you.

1. Always have your WiFi name and password.

2. Take a screenshot of directions, in case you don't get internet service when you need it the most.

Imagine losing service when you're in a place you don't know. Well, now you can just look at the photo to find your way.

3. Snap a photo of your dry cleaning ticket.

4. Lending something to someone? Take a photo so you don't forget what you gave, and to whom.

5. Your smartphone camera can test if your remote batteries still have juice.

Point the front of the remote to the camera, look at the phone screen and press some buttons on the remote. Most phone cameras can detect the infra-red light that is invisible to the human eye.

6. Traveling? Take a picture of your contact info in case you lose the page it's written on.

7. Use your phone to see other angles of your haircut.


« Reply #1 Posted: May 15, 2019, 12:57:44 PM »
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TWI Trailblazer

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Re: 14 Tips That Can Make Your Smartphone's Camera Highly Useful
« Reply #1 Posted: May 15, 2019, 12:57:44 PM »

8. Take a photo of the content of boxes when moving, so you'll know what is stored where.

9. Going out with your kids? Take a photo of them in the morning.

This way, if they get lost (God forbid), you have the most up-to-date photo of your children.

10. Photograph landmarks around your hotel when you travel.

If you're not sure if you're in the right place, just check your phone. You can also show it to cab drivers and they'll know where to take you.

11. The same goes for when you park in a big parking lot. No more walking around trying to remember which floor you parked your car on.

12. Take a picture of your fridge before you go grocery shopping, so you know what you need to get.

13. Have your prescription number on hand.

14. If you're near-sighted and don't have your glasses, take a photo with your phone - things will be much clearer.

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