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 10 Ways to Develop A Free Agent Attitude
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Daniel Franklin
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10 Ways to Develop A Free Agent Attitude
« Posted: September 21, 2007, 03:11:24 PM »

10 Ways to Develop A Free Agent Attitude

Whether you are self employed or you work for someone else, it is useful to have a free agent attitude. The past few years have shown us that working for someone else is temporary at best. No one has a job for life. Free agents recognize that they are responsible for their own career. They don't wait for others to help them plan their career. They manage it themselves

1. Develop a vision of your ideal life. Include all parts of your life including your work/career, family, friends, lifestyle, spiritual endeavors, personal growth, leisure etc. As you move toward being a free agent let your vision draw you forward.

2. Know what your strengths, talents and skills are. These will be the basis of the offer you make to your clients/customers or employer. Develop a use for your talents that is unique and exciting to you. Be able to articulate the value of your offer clearly to others.

3. Have a learning plan to fill in the gaps and broaden your offer. Watch the trends to ensure your skills remain relevant.

4. Volunteer to do projects that showcase your talents. Volunteering is a great way to use new skills and get some experience behind you. Choose projects that put you in touch with new contact who can help you.

5. Find a mentor or coach to help you. It is helpful to have someone to talk to as you move forward. A mentor can show you the ropes in your workplace or incustry. A coach can help you manage the rough spots and address any fears you have.

6. Make a list of EVERYONE you know and put his or her information into a contact management program. A network is very important to your career. You will draw on it to find employment and/or customers. Make it easy to access it and find people. Keep it updated with current information.

7. Make the effort to meet new people and add them to your contact management program.

8. Stay in touch with your network of contacts continuously. Keep them informed of what you are doing.

9. Begin by finding ways to create opportunities to do some work that you see there is a need for at home or part time. If you work for someone else this may mean moonlighting or freelancing.

10. Develop a "How can I help you?" attitude. Act as a referral agent for other free agents and then ask them to do the same for you.

Alvah Parker is a Business and Career Coach as well as publisher of Parker's Points, an email tip list and Road to Success, an ezine. Parker's Value ProgramĀ© enables her clients to find their own way to work that is more fulfilling and profitable. Her clients are attorneys, business owners, managers, and people in transition. Alvah is found on the web at She may also be reached at 781-598-0388.


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